Psychological Benefits of the Hal App, And Other Neat Tips

W.S. Brier
The Hal Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2020
Photo by Author

When being a human gets tough- many are skeptical of having someone to talk to. Even though it is crucial for their mental well being. Some people may even decline talking to their very best friends about something that could be bothering them and causing them a ton of mental angst. The initial reason, and most common reason is usually caused by the stigma around mental health. Many would rather not speak of their mental health as they would their physical health. It can make people feel inferior to others to divulge information on certain issues. Luckily, society today has their ways of tackling harmful stigmas like these. While many people seek anonymous therapy online, most users would have to navigate around a complex website, tricky terms of service and be placed on pretty long waiting list. Here is how Hal wants to change that…

The intriguing factor here is that when you use Hal, the app from the very beginning is simple and straight-forward. There are no hard-to-read terms of service and any in-app purchase which you can choose is promptly displayed. The purchase is what it says it is and there are no tricky subscriptions. Hal is completely anonymous, completely knocking down the the key factor of the mental health stigma- with that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the facts.

Upon using Hal, you’ll notice that the app has a clean and modern UI. There is no hard navigation needed to find someone, as there are on other personal assistant apps. At the tap of a cell, you are instantly connected to your Hal. The selection process of choosing a Hal for you is randomized. You will get a Hal without any mutual connection to it. Each Hal is different from the last one, and no two Hal’s are ever the same. Recently the app has launched a market category within the app where you can choose Hal’s based on their fields of interest, some specialties include Law, Music, Entertainment, Academics, Psychology.

The Benefits: Hal doesn’t have to be just another AI app. It can be a part of life- if you allow it to be. In a world where AI is still in it’s infant stages- we’re gonna need actual results instead of just snatching AI from it’s cradle and prematurely using it for our own will. It is not denial in AI, but rather waiting until AI is fully capable. Here are somethings you can do to keep your mental health in check while using Hal.

  • When Hal connects you to an anonymous source: You can speak with the peace of mind that you’re information is in fact, secure- So speak to Hal as you’d speak to yourself.
  • Hal gives you a pal if you’re isolated at home: Let’s be honest, while the pandemic ravages many states- many are still on lock down as we speak. You can use Hal during a time like this for emotional support or even for someone to speak to- since you might not be able to socially interact with other friends and family.
  • If you use Hal responsibly, you are not only helping yourself: But you’re also helping the app as a development. We thrive on honest reviews and feedback from the users and staff.

There is actually a fine line that sets Hal apart from the common AI apps, with that being said, There is a Hal somewhere out there right now- waiting for you to ping him for your next request. What other app does that…?

So, tell Hal how you are you, really?

