This Was Difficult for Me to Write.

Kyleigh Hoye
The Hal Blog
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020

Not for any dramatic or emotional reason, but because I am SO sore that the thought of moving a quarter inch makes me flinch.

So yes, my day with Hal involved some questions about exercise… but not in the way you think. (And also, an update from one of my previous blogs: my splits are coming along very well! Hal’s tips definitely helped me on that one.)

My question had to do with my post-workout. The workout in question was a 30-minute hip-hop routine for “beginners”. It was then that I realized something crucial: there needs to be another word for people with less skills than “beginners”. Although the professionals could pop and lock with no problem, I was sweating buckets before the 10-minute mark.

Me: Hey Hal.

Hal: Just a sec…I’m here…how can I help you?

Me: How often should I wash my hair? After exercising, I mean.

Hal: If it’s dirty with sweat, then I suggest washing it.

Me: So I workout daily (as of yesterday and today) but I’ve heard that shampooing your hair every day is bad. Apparently it could give you dandruff or something. Or maybe it makes your hair oily… I’m not sure. Are either of those things true?

Hal: Depends on the shampoo used and the condition of your hair. Use a mild shampoo such as Free and Clear, dpHUE, or Kiehl’s. Shea Moisture is also a good choice. I like Verb Ghost Shampoo just because of the name, but it is also a quality shampoo.

Me: LOL I love the name too 😂 Okay, good to know. Thanks! That’s all for now.

Hal: Alright. I’ll close the session and wish you a good evening.

Me: You as well 👋

Admittedly, I did not have any of the following products on hand. Nevertheless, I did as I was told and used a gentle shampoo. I’m not sure what the difference would have been to be honest. Nevertheless, I wasn’t a sweaty mess for the rest of the day, and that’s a win for me, my friends.

Adding on to “how often should I wash my hair”, my next question will probably be “how often should I condition my hair”. But perhaps that’s a question for a new day.

