Recipe #5: Track Gas Price using Chainlink⛽️🔥

Manlio Poltronieri
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2020

This is the 5th part of our series on Recipes — a new, collaborative way to create and share your favorite triggers. Yesterday we showed you how to stay on top of withdrawals confirmations for Loopring.

Recently we’ve witnessed a surge in gas price due to the increased Ethereum adoption, mostly driven by the DeFi ecosystem:

Curtesy of: Gitcoin gas history

An annoying side effect is that making transactions got a little trickier, because we need to constantly keep an eye on ETH Gas Station and alike for that sweet spot where the gas price matches what you’re willing to spend on it.

Starting today, thanks to HAL and Chainlink you can receive real-time notifications when the gas matches your desired price ⛽️ 🔥

Head over to and choose the “Track Gas Price” recipe:

Just put your desired threshold for the gas price, in Gwei. You’ll also get a little reminder of what the current gas price is:

You’re ready to connect your action! In this case we want to receive a Telegram message, but you can also chose Discord, Twitter, Slack or a custom webhook 😉

The pre-filled message already has everything you need in it. If you want to tweak it using our template system, you’ll find the documentation on our Gitbook.

Click the “create” button and you’re set! You’ll get a text as soon as the gas prices matches your filter ⛽️ 🔥

What’s Next

We’re on a roll integrating some of the most popular DeFI platforms: we already have recipes for PoolTogether, Aave, Compound and Loopring. Watch this space for new recipes coming soon and tell us what else you want to see on HAL next!

Where to go from here

We’re going to release several new recipes over the next days, but we’d also love to hear from you which recipe you’d like to see next by filling the Typeform here.

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