Pravind Easwaran
Halad to Health
Published in
4 min readJun 14, 2021


Halad to Health is a NFP that runs Australia’s most affordable GAMSAT tuition students, where all proceeds raised from tuition fees go directly towards the Halad to Health Foundation Philippines, to give access to proper health education to students in rural Philippines.

Here’s A Bit About Pravind

Hi there, I’m Pravind, though everyone calls me Prav. As one of the first Halad students to go through their entire program, I am so happy to be here now, giving back and tutoring Section 1.

I am currently a first-year medical student at the University of Sydney; however, I am a proud Melbournian at heart. Before commencing my current degree, I was a Biomedical sciences student at Monash University.

If I were to describe myself, I would say that I am outgoing, friendly and bubbly. I love meeting new people and doing/exploring new things. I also have a massive passion for global health and health policy.

It is hard for me to say where my passion for medicine came from. However, I had the privilege last year of working with the public health department and aged care, and seeing the impact of the pandemic on these sectors really electrified my interest in this career.

Finally, when I am not stuck on zoom, I like to play video games and explore new parts of town (still very much a tourist in Sydney). I have also recently gotten into ultimate frisbee and squash…whether I am any good at these sports or not, I will leave to others to decide!

I Had Chaotic GAMSAT Journey

My GAMSAT journey started like most others, I sat the 2019 September GAMSAT and got mediocre results. I thought that 2020 would be the year to nail the test (*insert Morgan Freeman Voiceover* — little did they know about 2020)

The GAMSAT is stressful enough but trying to prepare for it while the world as we knew it was overturned, was another level of difficult. The March GAMSAT was now a May GAMSAT, all online. Additionally, this meant I was now completing the GAMSAT alongside delayed assessments and putting my preferences into GEMSAS.

However, in saying that, the two-month delay did allow me the opportunity to reset my learning and prepare better for the test.

This where Halad comes in…

I had been a student with Halad since January that year; mostly just to help improve a bit in S1 and later in S2. But it was in that dull Autumn where I found my stride with the GAMSAT and with Halad. I truly appreciated having a consistent group of friends (even if it was on zoom) who were in the same boat as me. That consistency was also nice when everything else was in flux.

I went on to sit that very strange May GAMSAT and got my results back in June, in the middle of a work shift. I was over the moon, and for the first time, it kinda hit home that I might be studying medicine in 2021!

The Way I Teach Section 1 Is All About Approach-ability and Personalisation

One of the things I really wished I knew heading into the 2019 GAMSAT was how to approach Section 1. One of the great things I learnt through Halad, from Gabbi and Sarah, was that there are ways to categorise S1 questions, and therefore you could tailor your approach to them individually.

Similarly, I hope to ensure that my students can confidently approach any type of S1 question and have a range of strategies to work through them.

There is no one correct way to do/study for the GAMSAT (and in extension approach the whole medical school application cycle). I hope to be able to share my own experience and the experience of many others to help my students to discover their own personal way to approaching Section 1 and approaching their GAMSAT study more broadly.

If You’re In My Class, Ask Me About Space and Astronomy

I am huge space and astronomy nerd, have been for most my life. With all the advancements at NASA, SpaceX and other nations, I genuinely believe we are witnessing another revolutionary period in space exploration, and I am so stocked to be along for the ride. I love discussing where the whole industry is heading.

And if you couldn’t tell, I am also a huge sci-fi fan (The Expanse is my favourite TV show) and would be more than happy to discuss the latest books or TV shows!

Feel free to contact Pravind at anytime!

Enrol into Pravind’s Section 1 classes here

