Sanna Wei
Halad to Health
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2021


Halad to Health is a NFP that runs Australia’s most affordable GAMSAT tuition students, where all proceeds raised from tuition fees go directly towards the Halad to Health Foundation Philippines, to give access to proper health education to students in rural Philippines.

Here’s A Bit About Sanna

I grew up in Canberra and moved to Melbourne to study medicine and immerse myself in art. If we were chatting at a party and I gave you the surface level get-to-know-me answer, I love how Melbourne’s always got something on with different art festivals, galleries and concerts. But the deeper reason why is because I love seeing how different art forms express ideas, and the interaction we experience between those ideas, who we think we are and how we live our lives. Beauty to me is everything that moves me, and art is just the different ways we try to express and talk about our inner and outer worlds. I particularly love literature and I work as a writer and editor, so it’s no wonder that I tutor Section 1!

In terms of med, I am in my 4th year of a Bachelor of Medical Science/MD at Monash which (yes :O) means I am the only Halad tutor who entered med through the undergraduate pathway. I work at Halad because I care about Halad’s health mission and I LOVE teaching Section 1. Rest assured that even though I haven’t sat the GAMSAT, I know what it’s like to dream about being a doctor and the gruelling path of hope, uncertainty and hard work. I take on the responsibility of being your tutor knowing that I’m doing right by you — I know what the GAMSAT is looking for, I know how Section 1 is designed, and I have the tools, insights and drive to help you succeed.

My dream is to become a plastic surgeon. And I know that raises a lot of questions — the truth is, I wasn’t one of those people who went into med knowing the exact specialty they wanted to do. And frankly, surgery seemed too intense. But over the years, I fell in love with anatomy (I KNOW I’m WEIRD OKAY BUT IT’S SO COOL), did research involving hands-on dissection, and fell in love with plastics on my first surgical rotation. I’m excited by the application of detailed anatomical knowledge and surgical finesse to deliver the best outcomes for patients both functionally and aesthetically. I love the challenges that come with working in an area where the link between how our bodies look and feel is intimately connected with how we think and feel about ourselves. Queer health has always been one of my passions and I love how plastics offers the opportunity to deliver gender affirmation surgery.

The Way I Teach Section 1 Is All About Making It Work For You!

Section 1 can be daunting and almost everyone feels like there’s a question they don’t understand or a text type they don’t know how to approach. I LOVE all of section 1 and I’m passionate about breaking each component down so that you feel ready to tackle it.

I want to help you create a system that works for you, with tools you can use for every scenario. I’ll show you a framework for understanding each of the texts and show you a variety of techniques from which you can draw on. Helping you adapt and tailor your approach into a slick and reliable system is my jam!

I’m keen on meeting you wherever you’re currently at. Whether it’s overcoming your fear of poetry or helping you access the deeper subtleties in a text, it’s truly a joy for me to teach you that next step or skill. And while my job is to teach you, I also strongly believe in not losing sight of you as a person. GAMSAT prep can be extremely challenging mentally and emotionally and I’m here to remind you that you’re human, and to be kind to yourself as you pursue your dreams. As Hippocrates said, “Wherever the art of medicine is loved, there is also love of humanity.”

Ultimately I’m just a big cheeseball who loves literature, weirdly loves Section 1 and is passionate about helping you succeed. At the end of the course, my goal is for you to feel like you can handle anything Section 1 throws your way.

If You’re In My Class, Ask Me About #ChickensOfInstagram

Seriously, #FluffyButtFriday is the best.

Feel free to contact Sanna at anytime!

Enrol into Sanna’s Section 1 classes here

