Anything Is Possible

Uju Ukponu
Halad to Health
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2022

Hi, my name is Obianuju Ukponu. I am a 4th year Human Health and Disease student. Some of my favourite hobbies include playing basketball with my friends, writing poetry, cooking and eating everything and anything and in particular, dancing with my team. I’ve always been extremely passionate about dance and love learning new styles. When I dance it helps me to express myself in ways words can’t explain. A fun fact about me is that I can sing with my mouth closed, which some find intriguing while others find a bit too strange for their liking.

What are your academic/career goals?

My academic goal is to graduate from Human Health and Disease with a 1st class honours and then proceed to study graduate medicine in UCD, hopefully with the help of this GAMSAT Scholarship which will aid me in performing well in the GAMSAT and achieving points high enough to get me into medicine. Additionally, long term I can see myself practicing medicine in Ireland and specialising in Emergency medicine. Another major goal of mine is to open a local GP practice in which I can assist the local people in their medical needs and play my part in helping out my own Irish community.

How would this scholarship make a difference for you?

This scholarship would make a huge difference for me because it will propel me one step closer to achieving my dream of becoming a doctor. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been set on my career choice. This desire did not just spark out of nowhere, it all began when I was 10 years old and a close family member fell ill, requiring immediate lifesaving brain surgery. This has a huge impact on my life, but instead of pushing me far away from medicine, this event inspired me to give people what those doctors gave me, hope that my loved one would come back to me. Without these hardworking doctors, doing everything in their power to save my family member, they would not be here today. Thus my ambition for becoming a doctor was ignited, in hope that someday I could do everything in my power to stop any little girl or boy, just like myself, from losing a loved one. Additionally, as a student working part time during the academic year and full time in on holidays to support myself and my family, this Scholarship would be a huge financial relief in preparing me adequately for the GAMSAT to the same degree as my fellow competitors, which I otherwise could never have been able to afford from my part time income. Furthermore, I adore science. During school it was my favourite subject, particularly biology and I progressed to study Human Health and Disease in University. There has always been something so endlessly fascinating about the human body and the processes within it. I am intrigued by how the smallest alteration to it can have such a gigantic impact on a persons standard of living. This scholarship would mean the world to me because I will be able to help people, study the subject I love and to live out my childhood dream.

What do you want to be known for?

More than anything I want to be known for my resilience. Throughout my childhood, there have been so many hurdles such as discrimination, not having enough money to live out a normal childhood and also my family members illness negatively impacting my life. But one thing I know for certain, is that if I did not display the resilience in those taxing times, I would not even be here today to write this. I really do thank God for building me up to be such a strong person, and I know that even when times get tough I need to give myself some credit and push forward for the next day. Why? Because I know that no matter how small, tomorrow is always going to be better than the previous day in some way. Going forward into my future, I am certain that my resilience will be of tremendous use to me in the medical field, because of its uncertainty and daily challenges. With this bursary I hope to reach my goal of becoming a doctor and inspire the youth, that any thing is possible if you encourage yourself to pick yourself up and try again.

If you have any questions regarding Halad To Health, please reach out to Karlene at

