About Me

Haley Koren Winterton
Haley Winterton
Published in
2 min readOct 10, 2018

Hi there, I’m Haley!

I’m a wife, a mom, and a girl who believes that life is meant to be enjoyed, and full of adventure. I love to spend time in the great outdoors, hiking, boating, camping, etc… Living in a state where the outdoor adventures are endless is pretty amazing. If I’m not outside, you can usually find me at the gym, at a farmers market buying all the fresh produce I can carry, or having a dance party with my kids. As much as I love to play, I believe working hard is just as important. It’s all about balance. Getting the work done that needs to be done, and resting (or playing) when the time is right.

I spent a lot of my life as a lover of all things design. I was constantly redesigning my room to make it a more efficient space. I took design classes in high-school and was voted as the scrapbooker on my cheerleading squad because I would design scrapbook pages for my teammates. Making things look nice and work efficiently is something I’ve always enjoyed doing, and that is where my interest in UX Design blossomed. I decided to pursue this passion by attending DevMountain in their UX/UI Design program. I learned many new skills including, wireframing, prototyping, how to create a human center design, and much more. Sketch was the program that I used the most during my time at school, but I also learned how to use Invision, Principle, and Marvel.

I tend to get competitive with myself and enjoy setting goals and working to accomplish them. I get very passionate about the work I am doing and I can’t wait to help you create something amazing!

My family means the world to me!

You can reach me at haleykoren12@gmail.com.



Haley Koren Winterton
Haley Winterton

UX Designer who enjoys solving problems. Lover of the outdoors, trying new things, and my family.