5 Application Tips That Actually Work đź’»

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3 min readApr 4, 2019

Applying for jobs is never fun, nor easy. However, it doesn’t have to always be hard. Check out the top 5 application tips that actually work and before you know it, you’ll be buying all your mates a round of drinks!

Photo by Damian Zaleski on Unsplash

Tailor your CV

When done correctly, tailoring your CV to a job is a great way to get yourself noticed. You’re probably thinking “I don’t even have time to eat breakfast, and you’re expecting me to tailor every CV, ever!?”

It is not as bad as it sounds. Carefully read through the job description and see if there are any pieces of information you can fit in your CV. For example, are they asking for someone with customer service skills?

If the answer is yes, include it in (obviously if you have the experience)! Demonstrate you are fit for the job and always provide an example of a time you have displayed this too.

No worries if you haven’t written a CV, we have some amazing examples for you to look at and be inspired by!

Add a Cover Letter

Or how I like to say it — the cherry on top. Adding a cover letter to your application not only makes you look enthusiastic for the job, but is another sneaky way to sell yourself!

Even if they have not specified a cover letter, by doing so will make you stand out. This especially helps if it is a popular job position.

No idea how to write one, or what a cover letter even means? Do not fear! Check out these golden cover letter tips and before you know it, you will be impressing employees left, right and centre!

Use Grammarly

Grammarly saves lives. Not literally, but it can save you from sending off an application with silly faults. This free tool is easy to use and picks up on spelling and grammar mistakes too (no, I am not a Grammarly Ambassador, but if Grammarly are reading this, hit me up).

If employers see one mistake, it is game over. So be observant!

Research the Company

The employer is not expecting you do base your PhD thesis on their company values, but it does help doing a little research!

Ponder on their website and read through their mission statement, values and what they have done recently and that is more than enough.

Why you say?

When writing your cover letter you can sprinkle in some information regarding the company and say why it interests you. You can also speak about this in your interview too!

Interview Practice

Part of the application process is the interview itself. And in many people’s opinion, is the worst. Naturally everyone gets nervous, but preparation is key here.

By practicing mock interviews, you will gradually increase your confidence and overtime you will come to realise that interviews are not all that bad!

Here are some other helpful to tips to make your next interview successful!

  • Dress appropaitely for the interview. This includes ironing your clothes! (AKA, Mum)
  • Prepare questions to ask the interviewer
  • Turn up to the interview 10–15 minutes prior. Never be later!
  • Body language is key! Sit up and slightly forward to show you’re interested, never slouched!

Follow these 5 simple steps and you will soon have a successful application in no time!

Megan is an Online Marketer at StudentJob UK. we offer student tailored jobs, university advice and interview tips!



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