Sunset from our bed

A small poem about love

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

The sky is pink and gold tonight, shifting, changing,
lit up like Las Vegas, soft colours in the desert sky

I sit in my bed surrounded and mounded
in white, like blossom fallen in drifts around me.

I may sleep or not, as the night decides.
Dreamless state, safe from the nightmares of awakeness.

Nothing is ever certain, nothing except joy
and the closing of the blinds as the lights fade,

and the feeling of your skin against mine
touching in the darkness, soft as snow, familiar,

as forever slips from one moment to another
and takes us along with it for the ride.

Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol 2022



Sylvia Clare MSc. Psychol, mindfulness teacher
Hallow Literary

mindfulness essayist, poet, advocate for mental health and compassionate living, author of ‘No Visible Injuries’, ‘Living Well and Loving ADHD’ and many others