HALO Network Development Recap — January 2023

Adaora Anders
HALO Network
Published in
3 min readJan 31, 2023

2023 began with a spark as the digital assets market rallied in January. The HALO Network ecosystem hasn’t been left behind with development on the public chain still in full gear. Here, we recap the activities on HALO Network in January 2023.

$HO makes it to ONTO Wallet Red Packet

It wasn’t so long since the HALO Network ecosystem got incorporated into ONTO Wallet, letting users access the public chain through that wallet’s interface. This January, the crypto wallet vendor added support for $HO, HALO Network’s native token on its red packet. To access this service, users need to update their ONTO Wallet app to v4.4.5.

With this addition, ONTO Wallet users can send and receive $HO in red packets on the app.

HALO Ecology Production Weights Update

It’s common knowledge that you can stake $HO LP tokens on W3SWAP and earn W3 tokens. But the production weights of the HALO ecosystem don’t get the attention it deserves. Publicly available weekly production weights of the public chain on the W3SWAP super farms showed the HO/OSK-DAO production weight hit 7X on the W3 mining pool and 700X on the HD mining pool while the HO/HOS pool has a production weight of 6X and 200X on the W3 and HD mining pools respectively. These figures have remained fairly stable through the weeks in January.

Mined Blocks Exceeds 11,000,000

In January, the number of mined blocks on HALO Network crossed the 11,000,000 mark. It’s a huge milestone for a public chain that’s barely two years old.

The growing number of mined blocks on the public chain points to a growing number of transactions done. More people are using HALO Network for transactions, which comes as no surprise considering the chain’s DeFi capabilities. As more users conduct transactions on HALO Network, the number of mined blocks will increase.

Of course, attracting more users is a big task. In a digital world where lots of public chains push to get users' attention, HALO Network is leaving nothing to chance as the ecosystem continues to partner with exciting projects while supporting the DeFi narrative.

One of the ways HALO Network is helping the mass adoption of its chain is through the support for new projects through its Hackathon. This is an event scheduled for this year that’s expected to provide promising projects with the ecosystem to reach as many users as possible.

Expectations For February

There’s a lot to expect from the HALO Network team. For instance, we believe new collaborations will be announced in February. HALO Network hasn’t been shy in signing partnership agreements with projects and we should see more of that in February. If the public chain hopes to encourage activities within the network, then it has to onboard more exciting projects that compel users to interact with the chain.


2023 holds a lot of promise since it’s the penultimate year before the halving. Unsurprisingly, January 2023 started with a market rally, alluding to the critical nature of this year in the scheme of things. HALO Network ecosystem has continued to operate optimally, confirmed by the growing number of mined blocks. While January had its bright spots for the public chain, expectations are high for February.

