HALO Network — October 2022 — Week 4 Report

HALO Network
HALO Network
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2022

Here’s the report for the 4th week of October, 10/17/2022 to 10/23/2022.

HALO Chain Statistics

  • Wallet addresses: 526K
  • Total transactions: 8.034M
  • Total blocks: 9.56M
  • Total number of tokens issued: 167

Community Statistics

  • Twitter: 39K followers
  • Discord: 16K members
  • Telegram English community: 18K members
  • WeChat + Telegram Chinese community: 59K members

HO and HOS Performance

  • HO liquidity on HOSWAP: 27,796 USDT
  • BSC-HO liquidity on W3Swap: 443,574 USDT
  • BSC-HO liquidity on PancakeSwap: 238,513 USDT
  • HO price: 0.67 USDT/HO
  • HOS price: 6.273 USDT/HOS
  • HOS liquidity on HOSWAP: 16,436 USDT
  • HOS liquidity on W3Swap: 388,124 USDT


  • The block output of HO has been stopped on October 17th. The final reward block is stopped at 9,463,000.
  • The HALO Network Node Election has been officially launched. For technical support assistance in node building, submit application in the following form: https://forms.gle/8Q3ppujojBkxccNo6
  • The node foundation is the main source of income for the light link nodes, and there will be ecological funds to enter in the follow-up, and mainly mainstream coins. The address is publicized as follows: 0x4228CA48EDc621d7Cf3E2aB4bd27BB2336E45474
  • The latest production weights of HALO Network on W3Swap from October 20 to October 27 have been publicly released.

Contract Addresses

  • BSC-HO: 0x41515885251e724233c6cA94530d6dcf3A20dEc7
  • BSC-HOS: 0xa0949F33FA921ca2571d469A1a4b08649838D34C
  • BSC-HOR: 0xc399DebeAa5a580D3AaBdaf1164Ed8f056D09fc8
  • HALO-HOS: 0x6b61e560daE09b2488e8fc597eABAfeafC3A5EF1
  • HALO-USDT: 0x41515885251e724233c6cA94530d6dcf3A20dEc7

About HALO Network

HALO Network is committed to shaping a completely open, decentralized, and borderless new financial system, enabling digital finance to land and bringing about breakthrough changes to the existing commercial financial system. In just over a year, its DeFi network has been built to cover more than 150 countries and regions in the world, with a peak value growth of up to 200 times. In the future, the network will feature a new comprehensive financial ecosystem layout, including but not limited to aggregated lending, infrastructure, GameFi, cross-chain use cases, oracles, stock contracts, decentralized exchanges, etc.

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HALO Network
HALO Network

HALO Infinite Financial System: Illuminate the Infinity of Blockchain