GoodGhosting Hodl Pool (v2)

HaloFi 😇
Halofi 😇 (prev. GoodGhosting)
3 min readAug 12, 2022

By far one of the most requested new features for GoodGhosting v2 has been a Hodl pool. This requires only one deposit, but rewards you to hold for the long term. We are excited to not only listen, but also deliver. On August 17th 2022 our first ever Hodl pool is launching!

In case you’re wondering what Hodl is, it means ‘hold on for dear life’, and that’s exactly what you’ll be doing in this pool! Hodl pools are designed for more volatile tokens that you believe have a good future.*

👉 Start hodling Celo now!

This pool helps you avoid panic selling when there’s dips in the market or cashing out too early when there’s some positive movement. Lock in your tokens with a single deposit for three months, sit back and enjoy the ride with the GoodGhosting community, for better or for worse. Another great benefit of a Hodl pool, and with GoodGhosting in general, is that whether the token goes up or down in value you’ll earn yield on your deposit. So if you’ve got CELO tokens sitting in your wallet anyway and plan on keeping them, why not make some extra yield on it with us!

The Pool Details:

The launch date: 17th August 2022 at 2pm UTC.

Token: CELO
Deposit amount: 50 CELO (ca. $58 at the time of writing)

This pool only requires 1 deposit upon joining the pool and then, exactly as labelled, you hold on for dear life until 9th of November 2022. If you need earlier access to your funds: you will be able to withdraw your deposit at any time but by doing so you’ll forfeit the yield generated and 10% of your deposit (as an early withdrawal fee) to players who hold out for the full three months.

You have until the 14th of September to make the first deposit.

But you’ll need to hurry: we only have 3000 spots available.
And as with all GoodGhosting v2 pools: the earlier you deposit, the bigger your share of the rewards will be!

Not sure how to get started? Check out our guides.

What can I win?

As well as the yield and potential gains we’ll also be sponsoring the pool up to $2500 of Celo Dollars (cUSD)!

The GoodGhosting team will add $1 per player in the pool, up to a maximum of 2000 cUSD. While our good friends at Chee Finance are sponsoring a fixed 500 cUSD, to be distributed between all successful Hodlers.

GG Score! For successfully completing this pool you’ll earn 666 GG points plus 222 bonus GG points, totalling 888 GG points!

What is the CELO token

CELO is the platform-native token that supports the growth and development of the Celo blockchain and ecosystem. CELO holders can earn rewards, stake with validators, and vote on proposals that shape the future of Celo. Celo’s purpose is to empower anyone anywhere in the world to have access to financial services, while having a net positive impact on the environment.

Tweet us your thoughts about our new Hodl pool @GoodGhosting

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Celo Foundation

*This pool is not financial advice. As it consists of a volatile asset, you may lose money. Only deposit what you can afford to lose.



HaloFi 😇
Halofi 😇 (prev. GoodGhosting)

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