GoodGhosting v2 Announcement

HaloFi 😇
Halofi 😇 (prev. GoodGhosting)
4 min readJul 21, 2022

We are excited to announce the launch of our v2 saving protocol. Our team has been hard at work developing this new version. After many marvellous new lines of code, an audit and lot’s of cups of coffee, the new era in gamified DeFi savings is here!

What’s new?

V2 brings new ways to build your wealth. Explore the novel HODL pool, flexible deposits, more advanced yield strategies and fairer rewards for all savers. Supporting any ERC20 token on Polygon and Celo. What’s more, these different features can be combined bringing a whole range of possible game types.

Our v1 savings pools get better!

Flexible Deposits

Now this is something we are truly stoked about. Since day one, it’s been our goal to build GoodGhosting in a way that best fits our users needs, irrespective of their budget. Flexible pool deposits are an important part of that. With flexible deposit amounts, you can choose how much you deposit, when initially joining a pool. We will launch both savings pools (recurring deposits) and hodl pools with flexible deposit amounts. After choosing your first deposit size, subsequent deposits should be the same amount.

Flexible deposits allow you to match your deposits to your own personal goals, a big step forward for the power of GoodGhosting.

A new way to grow your wealth, HODL pools

Saving has always been at the heart of GoodGhosting, but now we have new ways to help you out. Crypto veterans will know “hodl” stands for “hold on for dear life” i.e. the act of holding on to our assets long term. Similar to a ‘buy and hold’ strategy in the stock market. For most people, this is a more profitable choice than trading. But in volatile markets, hodling is also not easy — that’s where GoodGhosting comes in handy.

What are they? Hodl pools incentivize you for holding your assets for a set period of time. Don’t touch your tokens until the end of the time frame and get:

  • Interest generated in DeFi lending markets*
  • Fees generated by people in the pool who withdraw early
  • Bonus pool incentives
  • NFTs
  • An increase in your soulbound GG Score

Designed to help you hold on to our assets through the bad times, and stop you from selling at the bottom. To quote one of our community members, “Millionaires are minted in bear markets”. Hodl pools give you the incentive to be a long term crypto holder and hopefully reap the rewards.**

HODL pools can even have multiple required deposits, like our v1 games, allowing you to dollar-cost-average into the pool over a few weeks or months. Followed by a longer HODLing period.

The first of our v2 launches will be a Hodl pool. Jump in to test the water. Want a specific type of hodl pool for your community? Let us know here.

Modular Yield Strategies

We want to help our users benefit from a wide range of DeFi strategies. So far our pools have generated yield from lending markets like Aave and Moola. But we know there is much more out there.

We rearchitected our smart contracts to handle modular yield-generating strategies, thereby increasing the range of yield sources and supported assets. We are pleased to already announce three new strategies: an open strategy (covered below), Aave v3 and Curve AMM strategies. We can now generate yield for 20+ assets, including both stablecoins and more volatile assets. We know getting a good and sustainable return is important for the GoodGhosting community. This modular approach allows us to do more. You can now choose to join pools with various risk categories, and save in different currencies. Expect more strategies in the future.

Saving pools for all tokens

This opens up the possibilities with GoodGhosting. Thanks to our new open strategy, we can now launch pools which can take any ERC20 token on Celo or Polygon, as the deposit token. Meaning, the saving goodness is no longer limited to tokens found on lending markets or AMMs.

Not only is this great for our users, but if you are a token community or DAO and want to incentivise folks to hold on to your token for the long term, please get in touch. Open strategy pools could be just the solution you are looking for.

In conclusion , we are excited to be launching our v2 protocol. This is a big step forward for GoodGhosting and we can’t wait to see what the future holds. Stay tuned for more updates, and in the meantime, happy hodling!

*Provided it is in an interest generating strategy — more info here

**Of course, any crypto asset, including stable tokens has the risk of decreasing in value. Please only deposit amounts you can afford to lose.



HaloFi 😇
Halofi 😇 (prev. GoodGhosting)

Grow wealth with crypto, earn rewards, badges & more. Save like a boss with HaloFi. We make using DeFi fun. Be your best financial self!