How Mobile Money paves the way for Crypto

A Brief History of Mobile Money

Rose Wanjohi
Halofi 😇 (prev. GoodGhosting)
5 min readJan 24, 2024


The origins of mobile money can be traced back to the early 2000s when the financial landscape was undergoing a transformative shift towards digital innovation. The concept emerged as a response to the need for more inclusive financial services, especially in regions where traditional banking infrastructure was scarce.

In 2007, the first mobile money services began to gain traction, aiming to provide accessible and secure financial transactions through mobile phones. These services sought to address the challenges faced by the unbanked and underbanked populations, offering a user-friendly platform to deposit, withdraw, and transfer money without the need for a traditional bank account.

M-pesa mobile money platform

The early adopters of mobile money, M-pesa(“M” for mobile, “Pesa” for money in Swahili), paved the way for a global movement, demonstrating the potential for mobile devices to serve as powerful tools for financial inclusion. As these services continued to evolve, they not only changed the way individuals interacted with money but also set the stage for the integration of digital currencies and more advanced financial technologies in the years to come.

Life Before Mobile Money

Before the era of mobile money, people encountered difficulties managing their money, especially in areas without easy access to banks. Simple tasks, like paying for utilities, became a challenge for those living in regions with no nearby financial services. Individuals had to travel long distances to access a bank.

Another significant challenge was the lack of secure options for storing money for those who were unbanked. Without a nearby bank, finding a safe place to keep money became a daily concern. Transferring money was difficult, and people faced delays and inconveniences in completing these transactions.

The absence of accessible financial services made it harder for individuals to conduct basic financial activities, highlighting the need for a solution that could simplify money management and provide secure options for the unbanked.

Paving the way for Crypto Growth

As we reflect on the challenges of a pre-mobile money era, it becomes evident that the innovative solutions introduced by mobile money have not only transformed individual financial experiences but also laid the groundwork for the broader evolution of digital currencies. The simplicity, accessibility, and trust engendered by mobile money form a compelling backdrop for understanding how these very principles could propel the growth of cryptocurrencies. In a world where digital financial solutions are becoming increasingly prevalent, mobile money emerges as a precursor, paving the way for the acceptance and integration of crypto into everyday transactions.

Here are some of the ways crypto could learn from mobile money on how to grow its presence:

  1. Innovative Marketing Strategies
    Mobile money services recognize the importance of marketing, and given their diverse clientele, they invest heavily in creative strategies to connect with users. One notable approach is the deployment of imaginative marketing tactics that resonate with different communities.
    One time, I went to a shop to buy something, but I didn’t have enough cash to make a payment. I requested the seller to let me use mobile money. The seller welcomed the idea and also proposed a clever approach — sending the money to a business-registered number instead of a personal one. This ingenious move demonstrated how mobile money services go beyond the ordinary, making transactions not only smooth but also adding a layer of security, all tailored to the unique needs of individuals.
  2. Education
    Mobile money's triumph in education is a testament to its success in simplifying financial concepts and making them accessible to a wider audience. For instance, Mpesa has excelled in providing user-friendly guides and tutorials, contributing significantly to user education and the widespread adoption of mobile money.
    Crypto, recognizing the effective educational model of mobile money, can draw inspiration for its growth. Platforms like Binance Academy, and impactMarket’s Learn&Earn, already showcase the potential. Similar to Mobile Money’s user-friendly approach, crypto can break down intricate blockchain and crypto concepts into easily understandable modules. This approach not only fosters a more informed and engaged user base but also mirrors the success seen in the realm of mobile money.
  3. Mobile-first Approach
    Mobile money’s triumphant embrace of a mobile-first approach, particularly exemplified by services like Mpesa in African markets, showcases its success in regions with limited traditional banking infrastructure. The simplicity of conducting transactions through a basic mobile device has been a driving force behind the widespread adoption of mobile money.
    Crypto, recognizing the efficacy of the mobile-first strategy in mobile money’s success, can seamlessly integrate this approach. Companies like Minipay and Valora are already pioneering user-friendly mobile wallets and applications in the crypto market. Aligning with the mobile-centric trends, this not only ensures accessibility but also emphasizes convenience for users, mirroring the success witnessed in the realm of mobile money.
  4. Strategic Partnerships and Collaborations
    Mobile money services, exemplified by Mpesa, often form strategic alliances with banks, merchants, and various financial institutions, expanding their reach and fostering widespread acceptance. Collaborations with local businesses contribute not only to facilitating financial transactions but also to enhancing the overall value proposition of mobile money.
    The Crypto market is already forging partnerships, as demonstrated by the launch of the Minipay Stablecoin wallet on the Opera browser. Notably, HaloFi is excited to be the first stable coin-saving app on MiniPay. You can read more about the exciting development here.
  5. Infrastructure
    As exemplified by Mpesa, mobile money services prioritize investing in robust and reliable infrastructure to ensure secure and seamless transactions. Mpesa’s infrastructure, boasting an extensive network of agents and digital platforms, plays a pivotal role in creating a trustworthy and quick financial ecosystem.
    In a parallel trend, the crypto infrastructure has introduced layer 2 solutions, such as those ensuring quick transactions on the Ethereum network.

As we navigate the evolving landscape of financial technologies, the benefits of crypto are increasingly evident. With low transaction costs, enhanced security, and borderless transactions, cryptocurrencies offer a promising avenue for further innovation on top of the groundwork laid by mobile money. Projects like Bitcoin Lightning Network and Ethereum’s decentralized finance (DeFi) exemplify the potential for building inclusive, accessible financial systems that transcend geographical boundaries.

