Leadership Masterclass 2021: Leadership in Recovery

Sharon Lim
Halogen Foundation
Published in
4 min readMay 7, 2021

Keynote by Sean Kong from Halogen Foundation Singapore

There is no doubt that the recent Covid-19 pandemic has posed countless challenges, to individuals, communities and organisations. However, it is during these stressful times that leaders need to make the best out of the given circumstances and use their leadership skills to navigate some of the challenges posed.

Sean Kong, Chief Training Officer at Halogen Foundation, shared 4 practical steps that can help leaders regain control during stressful situations and make a difference to others.

1. Recognise realities

Recognising realities is important since facts cannot be changed. Some of the realities that we have recently experienced include staying home during the Circuit Breaker period when the Covid-19 pandemic hit Singapore.

It is when such realities happen that intense emotions are felt. Common emotions include a sense of loss, claustrophobia, tension in relationships, stress and anxiety.

These emotions can drive behaviours. The question then is how can we recognise these realities and adapt our actions to make the best out of our situation?

Question: What are some realities we must face in the next 1 to 3 years?

Perspective from participants:

  • Sporting events will not have a live audience due to the pandemic.
  • Overseas trainings and camps are unlikely to occur.
  • We will not be able to travel for leisure anytime soon.
  • Businesses are going to shut down, there will be a loss of jobs and events cannot be held at a large scale.
  • There will be limited volunteering opportunities.
  • Many working adults will get retrenched.
  • More people may face mental health issues.

2. Be discontent with what is wrong

After looking at the realities we have to face, what are some of the realities we see that are not right and can be improved?

We need to start thinking about the differences we can make as certain realities do not have to remain the way they are.

  • Example 1: When Covid-19 first hit, people residing in HDB flats were very fearful and insecure.
  • Example 2: Many schools thought there was close to no school spirit after the pandemic hit because the sports season was cancelled.

Question: What are some realities we see that are not right/can be improved?

Perspective from participants:

  • There is hostility towards figures of authorities because they ask people to wear masks and follow safe distancing measures.
  • There is negligence and hostility towards migrant workers in Singapore.
  • There is a constant complaining culture among Singaporeans.
  • People not following safe distancing measures.
  • Selling daily necessities at a higher price on the black market in times of crisis.
  • Lack of action towards discrimination.

3. Envision what could be

After recognising which realities can be improved, the next question is to think about is: what is the alternative? What should things be like instead?

Imagine if WE helped one another, imagine if WE appreciated others more and imagine if WE did something different, would we be able to change reality?

If we try to champion even a little bit of what we say, we can do a lot to make society a better place.

  • Example 1: In order to reduce fear due to Covid-19, people put hand sanitisers in lifts out of their own goodwill.
  • Example 2: Would it be possible to come up with different ways to conduct sports competitions so that the school spirit could be lifted?

Question: What is your vision of how things ought to be like? What does better look like?

Perspective from participants:

  • People should be more appreciative and learn how to care for each other more.
  • We should reduce racism and xenophobia.
  • We should communicate with each other with more gratitude and humanity.

4. Be proactive

This is the most important step. We can spend a lot of time thinking about what can be different, but as long as we don’t do anything about it, things are not going to change.

There is no point in attempting to change things that are beyond our control, we should spend time on the things we can control.

Those who do something about what they can control feel a greater sense of control over their own lives and eventually emerge stronger.

Question: What are some of the things that you can start doing to make things better?

Perspective from participants:

  • We can create awareness among our peers and model the way.
  • We can start talking to our friends about issues.
  • We can be the ones who care.
  • We can be courageous enough to ask others to put on their masks in public.
  • We can start giving constructive feedback that can build up the community.
  • We can start community initiatives to care for one another.
  • We can be more environmentally-friendly by bringing our own containers to school.
  • We can all be more socially responsible.
  • We can help the elderly in our blocks get their groceries.


The Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami also known as the Boxing Day tsunami occurred on 24th December 2004. Just like many others, the Forkan family were on a holiday in Sri Lanka when the tsunami hit. During the catastrophe, the siblings were separated from their parents and while travelling on the plane back, they were unsure whether their parents were even alive or not. Unfortunately, their parents died while saving their younger children.

However, instead of resigning to their fate, the brothers decided to start a company called Gandys, that supported orphans on the 10th anniversary of the disaster. Five campuses for orphans were started all around the world and they are proactively raising funds.

Even though so many families faced the same crisis, only a few emerged stronger. The brothers decided to come to terms with reality and take action.

The 4 points stated above are guidelines to allow us to start thinking about what is happening in society, so we can start doing something and emerge stronger.

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