Thriving with Emotional Intelligence

Pragya Saxena
Halogen Foundation
Published in
2 min readJan 22, 2021

How are you starting the new year?

In the spirit of yearly reflections and New Year Resolutions, our Chief Training Officer, Sean Kong, shed light on Emotional Intelligence at a Personal Development Workshop for our volunteers.

Tapping on Daniel Goleman’s Theory of Emotional Intelligence Framework, Sean brought participants through the four pillars of Emotional Intelligence, namely: self-awareness, self-regulation, social awareness and relationship management. Through interactive platforms such as Mural, Sean kept participants on their toes with reflective questions and actionable follow-ups which hit home with many of them.

Passionate in his sharing, Sean called to attention the importance of labelling one’s emotions precisely, in order to determine the triggers for these bubbling emotions. In particular, this was one of the highlights of the workshop for participants as they learnt to better identify triggers that may have been previously hidden in crevices, only to surface in an outburst. Not merely is the identification of triggers sufficient, but delving deeper into the reasons for the trigger is also necessary for deciding how best to act in tensed situations.

To rectify the bad and continue the good is the essence of Emotional Intelligence. Hence, Sean emphasised that Emotional Intelligence is not exclusively about managing negative emotions, but also about doing more of what makes you happy.

With this knowledge, our participants were more resolute to predict, pre-empt and prepare themselves to face future similar situations, but with a more calibrated emotional response.

Let us know in the comments below the resolutions you have made for 2021!

