Authentik (YC S15) Manages Your Personal Brand For You

Halting Problem
Halting Problem
Published in
2 min readDec 10, 2015

Social media is hard: it’s easy to keep up to date with your friends’ lives, but it can be a full-time job to engage with your followers, cultivate your personal brand, and show the world the authentic life that you want the world to think you have.

There’s where Authentik (YC S15) comes in: coming fresh out of a $3 million seed round led by Quarter Round Capital, Authentik offers a range of services to “help you be you better than you can.”

When you sign up for Authentik, you’re immediately provided with access to trained consultants who provide an “integrated end-to-end personal brand management experience.” They can immediately offer suggestions to elevate your distinctiveness among your peers, like taking up a photogenic hobby or becoming active in a high-profile social justice movement.

Authentik’s team can also manage your social media accounts for you. Not only can they keep you out of controversial Twitter fights, they have years of experience in pinning corgi pictures on Pinterest, inflating your career achievements on LinkedIn, and writing thoughtful, introspective essays on Quora.

Authentik is already working on an array of features to automate the burdensome task of curating your digital identity. As of press time, it’s reportedly in the middle of testing advanced computer vision algorithms to determine the best photo to post on Instagram to instill the most FOMO in your friend network.

