Statement on Meeting With Rep. Claudia Tenney

Originally published on February 16th, 2017.

Hamilton Democrats
Hamilton College Democrats


February 16th, 2017

Congresswoman Claudia Tenney recently announced the opening of her New Hartford district office. Along with this announcement, the Congresswoman graciously invited her constituents to request individual meetings to discuss the issues important to them. The Hamilton College Democrats — as constituents of Mrs. Tenney’s — felt obliged to schedule such a meeting, which we attended on February 11th.

It is no secret that we — like most of the district — did not electorally support Mrs. Tenney. The majority of her constituents did not vote for her and do not approve of her policies, as she won the election with a plurality of the vote; 46%, to be exact. Mrs. Tenney, like President Trump, lacks a mandate. We intend to remind the Congresswoman, that as a result, she cannot be a rubber stamp for President Trump and the Republican party he now embodies.

The Hamilton College Democrats stand for equality, liberty, and justice for all. “All” includes the LGBT community, religious and ethnic minorities, refugees, and immigrants, among others. The 22nd District is home to all of these communities. For example, nearly 20% of Utica’s residents are foreign-born. Despite the 22nd District’s diversity, Mrs. Tenney’s record does not align with our definition of “all.” In our meeting, we urged the Congresswoman to expand upon her definition.

As Hamilton students, we come from diverse backgrounds and localities. For four years and potentially beyond, the 22nd District is our home, and in our home, we demand equality for all; without exception.

We do not wish to antagonize the Congresswoman. As Americans, we have the utmost respect for Mrs. Tenney, as she has dedicated her life to public service and the betterment of both this district and now the nation as a whole. Although we respect Mrs. Tenney, we simultaneously refuse to remain silent while the rights of countless Americans are infringed upon.

Despite our political differences, we sincerely hope that Mrs. Tenney will protect the rights of the LGBT community, religious minorities, ethnic minorities, refugees, and incoming immigrants, among others. As our Congresswoman, we expect Mrs. Tenney to hear our voices and take them into account; especially when she votes in the United States House of Representatives.

Our intent in scheduling and attending this meeting, therefore, was to alert the Congresswoman of both our concerns and our refusal to be silenced. We demand that Mrs. Tenney vote for the best interests of her constituents, rather than along party lines in an effort to appease President Trump and his Republican party. The 22nd District is made up of liberals, conservatives, farmers, small business owners, blacks, whites, LGBT men and women, Christians, Muslims, and Jews. We expect Mrs. Tenney, in her role as Congresswoman, to represent not just the minority that voted for her, but all of us.

Political resistance is a uniquely American privilege, and one which we plan to utilize if Mrs. Tenney fails in her responsibility to justly represent the 22nd District. The Hamilton College Democrats believe in equality, liberty, and justice for all. We sincerely hope Mrs. Tenney does as well.



Hamilton Democrats
Hamilton College Democrats

The Hamilton College Democrats are affiliated with the College Democrats of America.