Celebrating A Year With Hamoye

Conversation With Gaurav Jain

Hamoye Blog
4 min readJul 23, 2021


Time really does speed by. It’s one year since our first set of recruits at Hamoye AI Labs first crossed paths with us. They all were participants in the 2020 Hamoye Data Science Internship program that started last July. The past year has been quite an exciting journey with them and to celebrate their anniversary, we decided to book them a tour around Memory Lane, come with us.

In the past year, I have experienced development in my inner-self, all thanks to the work culture at Hamoye. Brainstorming on new projects has boosted my confidence and critical thinking skills.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a Junior Data Scientist at Hamoye AI Labs. I am also a senior undergraduate Engineering student with a specialization in Computer Science. I love tech and my aim is to improve the lives of people with my knowledge.

Has Hamoye been impactful in defining who you are right now?

Yes, Hamoye has positively influenced my life.

If Yes, in what way(s)?

In the past year, I have experienced development in my inner-self, all thanks to the work culture at Hamoye. Brainstorming on new projects has boosted my confidence and critical thinking skills.

Working with a team whose members are from different countries and origins has made me a better team player.

How has it been working at Hamoye AI labs?

I have a wonderful experience working here. As I mentioned, Hamoye has positively impacted my life. The work culture, the projects, the team, etc. is enough to bring one’s best out.

Describe the past year in a word.


What do you do at Hamoye AI labs?

As a data scientist, my work at Hamoye includes brainstorming on projects, working with datasets, building applications and machine learning models, and much more. Here, we as a team are working on new and cutting edge technologies, trying to solve today’s problems with the future in consideration.

What is your favourite aspect of working at Hamoye AI Labs?

The best aspect is that we get to work on new and challenging tasks every day.

What is your relationship with other members of your team like?

We, as a team, work in a collaborative and supportive manner. I consider all the team members as my friends. :)

You have interacted with almost all the divisions in Hamoye, how do you think your role translates into fulfilling Hamoye’s mission?

At Hamoye, we have various divisions working concurrently and smoothly to achieve the motto of Hamoye. As a member of the AI team, I am working on real-world ML Projects, as well as interacting with the interns, helping and guiding them through their Data Science journey. We work closely with other divisions to achieve this. There is immense satisfaction that comes from sharing your experiences and knowledge with others. :)

What quality would you say made you employable at Hamoye AI labs?

I would say critical thinking, passion for data science, consistency, and self-confidence made me employable at Hamoye.

What improvements or growths have you made since you joined the team?

To list out a few amongst many:

a. The ability to brainstorm and plan out new and challenging tasks.

b. I am now comfortable working in a dynamic environment.

c. Completing multiple parallel tasks on time, which may include impromptu tasks, etc.

d. I have learnt the importance of proper domain research before starting a project.

e. Also, working with a team, where people are from various time zones.

Would you still have chosen Hamoye internships if you could go back in time?

For Sure.

How would you describe your time as an Hamoye intern, would you say you were adequately prepared to be a data scientist?

I would describe my time as an Hamoye Intern as a rollercoaster ride from a Data Science beginner to a Junior Data Scientist. It was an exciting journey, where rigorous training prepared me to become a skilled data professional.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

In 5 years, I see myself as a renowned and skilled professional, where I am using my skills to solve problems of people. At the same time, I will make sure my parents are proud and happy with whatever I do.

A word of advice to upcoming data scientists?

The journey in this field may have many ups and downs. But always have confidence in yourself and be ready to work on new exciting tasks every day. I believe in you, you can do it! Wish you all the best in your data journey!

Thanks for reading!



Hamoye Blog

Our mission is to develop an army of creative problem solvers using an innovative approach to internships.