Hamoye Data Science Internship Summer 2022: Call for Application

Hamoye Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 16, 2022

With summer comes brightness, fun, and excitement, but this one summer comes with something extra; a brand new, tuition-free Hamoye Data Science Internship to build the future of work.

Having successfully concluded the very first Hamoye Data Science internship cohort for 2022, our mission to catalyze the careers of data science enthusiasts continue to spur us to create more free, high-level content, and relevant data science internship cohorts; to keep building the future of work.

The Hamoye community has produced some of the best in data science (see testimonials here) that have put Hamoye’s credibility on an exponential increase over the years.

Hamoye not only improves interns’ chances of employment in all sectors, many interns have been granted job opportunities within Hamoye and with recruiting partners who seek tech-savvy intellectuals for entry-level positions in data science.

As is the case with previous internships, the summer internship has also been designed as a competitive multi-stage process which will be completed in a 4-month, 6- sprint program; completely tuition-free!

Learning will be done in tracks suited to the intern career path and all participants will have opportunities to earn various certificates in data science specializations and contribute to open-source projects.

The conditions for successful completion of registration are as follows:

  • Every applicant must FIRST be signed up on the hamoye.com platform and get their ID noted down. Click here to find out how to get your ID on the platform
  • Every applicant must complete their registration on the hamoye.com platform with a personal gmail account.
  • Every applicant must get their registered name right on the platform (including order of name). Once registration is complete, neither the name nor the order in which it is written can be changed.
  • Fill the registration form here

At the end of the internship, successful candidates will be invited to join Hamoye AI Labs or our partner companies for an entry-level role.

Here are a few frequently asked questions about the Hamoye Data Science Internship.

Who can apply?

The internship is open to everyone, irrespective of their programming experience. The program is designed not only to spur the journey of participants towards becoming beginner, intermediate or advanced data practitioners but also to advance and strengthen the existing talents in the field of data science.

When is the commencement date?

This cohort will begin on the in second week of July 2022

How long will the internship last?

The internship will last for 4 months i.e. July-October

What is the nature of the internship?

It is a competitive multi-stage remote internship program that is open to all.

Do I need to make any financial commitment as an intern?

No. None required, except for strong internet connectivity.

How many tracks are there in the internship?

Three tracks, namely: Data Science, Data Engineering, and Data Storytelling. Interns can only select one.

How many hours am I expected to devote to the internship?

The number of hours to be devoted to the internship is subjective and based on your current level of expertise. As a beginner, it is expected that you devote at least 35–40 hours per week due to the rigorous nature of the program.

What type of projects will I be working on?

At Hamoye, we believe that practice is the bedrock of learning. Therefore interns will be working on real-life projects with the assistance of industry experts. Click this link to view some of our projects

Will I be paid during the internship?

No. Interns are not working for Hamoye, hence, they will not be paid. Instead, Hamoye is investing in resources to train interns, requesting no payment.

Questions? Send them to hello@hamoye.io



Hamoye Blog

Our mission is to develop an army of creative problem solvers using an innovative approach to internships.