Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in the Food Industry

Hamoye Blog
Published in
2 min readJun 9, 2021

An article written by the Data Science Tier (group 2) Hamoye interns. Machine learning mastery is the theme of the first module on our curriculum of learning. This is an article expressing what we would do with what we now know.

Machine Learning seems to be the biggest thing since the turn of the century. There is so much hype around this constantly evolving field. The analytical field, at the intersection of statistics, computer science, and artificial intelligence has been making headway.

Machine learning has found its applications in medicine, information technology, automobile engineering, and other industries at the speed of lightning. The food manufacturing industry has also been quick to adopt AI into its flowchart. This is because this industry is process-oriented. The automation of simple, discrete steps makes food production fast and efficient.

Use Cases of Machine Learning in the Food Industry

Customer Taste Analysis

When companies have large data on customer purchases, they become better and wiser during production. There will be an exponential rise in revenue if firms know the foods to manufacture in large quantities. Market demand and customer preferences are ever fluctuating.

Anyone who takes advantage of this will monopolize the market easily. For example, populations that contain a significant number of aged people and health-conscious people will prefer nutritious foods. Data collection, data grouping, and application of the right algorithms will give food producers a road map for the future.

Maintenance of Safe Working Conditions and Production Quality

It is a well-known fact that AI-based systems deliver more speed, accuracy, and intensity than human workers. This is very useful on the production line. One important metric in the food manufacturing industry is hygiene. All factory workers have to keep their hands clean all the time. Image recognition systems can check workers to know if they are wearing the proper food safety gear (for example, hand gloves).


It is interesting to see humans have adapted to confront any challenges facing them. Machine learning is a tool that can yield amazing results if wielded the right way. Machine learning will continue to improve and tackle more problems than we think. The food industry is no exception!



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