Codewars Ruby Challenge — Day 27/30

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3 min readSep 27, 2020


  1. 拆解問題的能力:刷了不少題目後,發現現在更能把問題拆解成小項目,然後一個個用程式碼實現出來,像這次寫題目前就先列出下面:
    # 分兩個 count: counter_25, counter_50 當其中一個小於0就是 NO,不然就是 YES
    # 收 25 時,counter_25 +1
    # 收 50 時,counter_25 -1
    # 收 100 時,counter_25 -3 || counter_25 -1 && counter_50 -1
  2. 刷題前先簡單看個討論:刷題網站在 Codewars 上分成 test 與 attempt,前者只給 1, 2 個測試,後者就會給到 20 個左右。今天刷題不管怎麼看就是會有一個測試過不了,先是學到了原來刷題網站還是可以用「p」印出每次測試 input 的值,來檢查到底什麼情況下噴錯。結果一看,明明是測試檔有問題,後來在討論區發現非常多人反應。


The new "Avengers" movie has just been released! There are a lot of people at the cinema box office standing in a huge line. Each of them has a single 100, 50 or 25 dollar bill. An "Avengers" ticket costs 25 dollars.Vasya is currently working as a clerk. He wants to sell a ticket to every single person in this line.Can Vasya sell a ticket to every person and give change if he initially has no money and sells the tickets strictly in the order people queue?Return YES, if Vasya can sell a ticket to every person and give change with the bills he has at hand at that moment. Otherwise return NO.# 翻譯:某家電影院,賣一張門票是 25 元,只接受客戶給 25 元、50 元、100 元三種面額,假設從開店就沒有任何錢的情況下,如果店員能在服務完所有客人後中間都順利找錢就回傳 'YES' 否則 'NO'




  1. 分兩個 count: counter_25, counter_50 當其中一個小於0就是 NO,不然就是 YES
  2. 收 25 時,counter_25 +1,收 50 時,counter_25 -1
  3. 收 100 時,counter_25 -3 或是 counter_25 -1 && counter_50 -1,總要選擇一個做,所以先判斷 counter_25 是否 ≥ 3,是就選前者,否就選後者

