Banged by the Boss Lady

Virginia Hart was both the best and the worst boss I’ve ever had.

Hana Lang
Hana Lang Writes


Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels

I was fresh out of business grad school, eager and ready to take the world on with my crisply printed MBA.

It wasn’t quite that easy to land a job that matched how qualified I felt, though. Nobody seemed to want to take a chance on some “kid” with only retail and server experience to boost my half-page resume.

If only someone had told me no company would give a shit about my 3.9 GPA, maybe I’d have partied a little harder during my college years. Now, in my mid-twenties, my prospects looked grimmer and grimmer as I exhausted my LinkedIn network and personal contact list looking for leads.

Until I found Virginia. Or she found me. It depends on how you look at it. What actually happened is that I cold-called her from an online newsletter list that sent out potential connections to job searchers. I was expecting to talk to a receptionist or executive assistant at best, so I was a little surprised when the lady with the silky voice said, “I’m the President of the company.”

Next thing you know, I was sitting across from a blond bombshell of a lady having the toughest interview of my life. Not only because she was throwing me questions with serious mettle but also because I was unnervingly…



Hana Lang
Hana Lang Writes

I bring you erotic stories from my heart, mind, and soul.