Designed by Tim

Eric Feng
Hand Drafted
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2013

A wonderful article on what Tim Cook will mean for Apple — what his vision for Apple is. What really drove the point home was that trademark Apple commercial, Think Different. What always impressed me about that commercial was just how in sync it was with Steve Jobs. That while he may not have written the words, they were nonetheless his words. Listening to Steve Jobs’ reading of it, it’s unmistakable. The cadence, the pacing, the message. The soul of it.

Today, we have Designed in California. And listening to it, it’s utterly Tim Cook, in the same way “Think Different” was Steve Jobs. It’s his vision of the company, his vision of their culture. It also serves to remind and humble me to see their intelligence and passion.

Years from now, I hope we get the same chance to hear Tim Cook’s reading.

