Am I An Inspiration to Others?

“To be inspired is great, but to be an inspiration is an honor.” — Unknown
한달어스 팀 블로그
3 min readJul 25, 2022


Photo by Elena Kloppenburg on Unsplash

The picture above is the Angelica flower which has the meaning of “inspiration”.

I am an inspiration to others?
I have been told by several people, in both my inner and outer circle, that I’m an inspiration to them. What do I feel when people tell me this? Well, honestly, I’m not sure how to react. I feel a bit of happiness knowing that I have inspired someone. However, there’s also a part of me that wonders if I am being a good example to others. Am I worthy of such a touching comment? Am I being too harsh on myself? Maybe. I often doubt and question myself this.

How am I an inspiration to others?
I have been told I am an inspiration to others for standing up for my dream and going for it.

There was a point in my life when I finally found passion in something new. My passionate side was bursting with an overwhelming amount of excitement and motivation.

I began sharing my exciting journey with my friends on my Instagram story. My friends already knew that I wasn’t happy with what I was currently pursuing, so everyone was happy for me when I found something new that made me happy and full of passion. They gave me lots of support and encouragement which I am always grateful for.

“By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others.” — Unknown

I decided to post more positive and happy things on my social media — this was a decision more for myself, rather than for others, to practice positivity and gratitude. My friends and family have all seen my progress throughout the past few years. However, I only share my accomplishments and good news with them online. Rarely do I show others the hardships I go through behind closed doors — only a few close friends know the full story.

With that, I sometimes feel a bit of pressure to do well and be a good example or leader to others. I know I am not obligated to, but I don’t want to let them down. Though looking at the upside, being told that I’m an inspiration gives me motivation and positive energy, to keep on moving along my journey. It’s also a constant reminder for me that I should continue to work hard to get where I want to be and to also continue spreading positivity to those around me. Knowing that I have eyes and ears consistently watching and listening to the stories of my journey, gives me great courage to keep on pushing through when things get tough.

“Don’t forget that you’re human. It’s okay to have a meltdown. Just don’t unpack and live there. Cry it out and then refocus on where you are headed.” — Unknown

You are an inspiration.
So, am I worthy of this honorable statement? I’m going to say yes — yes, I am, because I have been told so. I will not doubt myself.

There’s a saying that goes, “Believe in yourself, and others will believe in you”. But, what about the times when others believe in you first when you have not believed in yourself yet? I think that that is the time when you must take others’ beliefs in you as your own — take it as fact and use it to find that belief in yourself.

Let us continue to inspire one another!

Question for Conversation
In the comments below, let us know what you can do or have done to inspire others? Or let us know who in your life has inspired you and how?

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

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