11.27 Does Not Equal 12: A Metric Poem

A mathematical visualization

John Newmark
Handcuffs & Hijinx


Photo by Studio Blackthorns on Unsplash

A metric soda can is 11.27 ounces in volume. 1/3 of a liter.
A US soda can is 12 ounces in volume.
11.27/12 = approximately .939.

I wrote a poem describing my displeasure with the difference, 445 characters in length. Then I began removing letters, and spaces. There are 418 characters in the resulting poem.
418/445 = approximately .939.

So your lack of comprehension of the following poem is roughly equivalent to the loss of soda in a metric can.

11.27 Does Not Equal 12: A Metric Poem

Geerally, I suport
The metic system.
My favoite calendar
somehat misleadingly
has been alled
a metri calendar.
eleen pint two seven
is sigifiantly smaller
At firt I thought
I woud hardly miss
point seven three ouncs,
bu I do.
Ad while mathematically
it’s nce to know
metic six packs
are exctly equivlent
to two lier bottles,
to gt the extra
four pint three eight
I wod still prefr
my cola caned

This combines aspects of blackout poetry, concrete poetry, and math(s).



John Newmark
Handcuffs & Hijinx

Genealogist, Husband, Father, Poet. Feedback is appreciated.