Announcing Learn React Native + Meteor

Spencer Carli
Handlebar Labs


Since the beginning of 2017 I’ve been working full-time on building a technology education company.

In mid-January I opened up pre-sales for my first course, Learn React Native + Meteor. The pre-sale surpassed my expectations.

I finished the first version of the course in early February and the response has been great — many successes from the course content and 110+ people on the Slack team (and growing daily). But I realized that I’ve never publicly announced the course, only sprinkled a little message in other blog posts or sent people emails about it. So…

If you’re interested in the single best resource for learning how to use React Native + Meteor sign up for the Learn React Native + Meteor course.

It’s a focused course that gets you from a general knowledge of React Native & Meteor to a full app with an understanding of how the two work together. You’re also welcome to join a thriving Slack community to answer any follow up questions you have or help you through any points you get stuck on.

Not sold on or not sure of React Native or Meteor yet? I’ll show you why I think they’re a great combo in my free email series.

