Finding Yourself One Footstep at a Time

Blue Denim Fanny Pack
Handlebar Media Group
4 min readJan 6, 2018

The power of “Yes.” Had Aaron not said, “F*ck it” … I’m not convinced I ever would have taken the time to know his story.

I’ve known Aaron for 5 years …

About a month ago I launched a non-profit called Forward for Victory [a tale for another day]… Knowing clips of his journey, he was at the top of my list to wrangle in for the event … So I gave him a call.

Ring, Ring …

Zach: “Hey Aaron I have this event I’d like you to participate in, are you interested.”

Aaron: “Ya, I got your invite online [side note: I must have sent it to him 3 times — but he says it really calmly … but you have to understand — Aaron has this tone in his voice that has both the calming effect of Morgan Freeman narrating yet another Nature Film by Disney partnered with this dry-self-deprecating comedic affect at times] … 5 miles right? With a weighted pack right?

Zach: “Yup. That’s the one … [I’m about to drop the right hook on him] … But … I’ve got this 10 mile division I’d like to beta-test — I thought you’d be the guy to do it.”

Aaron: “Well the 5 mile sounds painful enough, and I’ve never raced with a weighted pack … I’m not sure … What does the 10 mile one look like?”

Zach: “Phase 1: Ruck 2 miles with 10# Pack, Phase 2: Ruck 2 miles with a 25# pack, Phase 3: Ruck 2 miles with a 35# pack, Phase 4: Ruck 2 miles with a 40# pack, Phase 5: Ruck 2 miles with a 45# Pack.”

Aaron: “Oh that’s it Zach.” [Good thing we are friends — He drops Morgan Freeman partnered with Ferris Bueler’s ‘Dry-eyes’ teacher on me … again].

Zach: Rocking back on my toes — I feel his lovely little poke to my side and I can just see his side smile and chuckle as he says it … I responded with one word … “Yup.”

Pause number 1 … It was a dirty 3–5 seconds … Aaron just leaves me hanging. This a**hole is testing me. I’m loving it, and almost add to my “Yup” … but then … he responds

Aaron: “Well I’m not so sure. I just finished a nasty triathlon less than a month ago that I’m still tapering off from it.”

Pause number 2 … I wasn’t sure if he was asking a question or making a statement — either way … Negotiation Tactic 101 … The person who talks first … Loses. And I could honestly give a sh*t about his taper … I’m talking to Ironman for god sakes. So I stay quiet.

[6 seconds later]

Aaron: “Ah f*ck it lets do it.”

Zach: “My Man!”

Welcome to the story of the real Ironman.

Aaron crushing the event.

Right here is the power of “Yes.” Had Aaron not said, “F*ck it” … I’m not convinced I ever would have taken the time to know his story.

Aaron’s story is remarkable. Filled with depth.

Why he chose to run his first marathon at 17 years old … A look at his decision and journey in becoming a marine … How he processed his two tours in Iraq … What it’s like to have a mortar round blast through your quadricep leaving a straight-thru-hole the size of a 50 cent piece … How his experiences mentally impacted his recovery and daily approach towards life … The reason he chooses to leverage fitness to position his mind in a way that makes him a better husband, father, man, and athlete. And why he is a beacon for moving forward as it relates to the impact of mental health and PTSD in his community.

This is the story and a world into Aaron that many don’t get to see, it’s an honor to deliberately storyboard HIM and allow you to pull value between the lines of my sentences.

One thing is absolutely for certain … If you start saying yes, some pretty amazing things might infiltrate your boring cubicle existence.

Welcome to Aaron’s story — he found himself when he started putting one footstep at a time.

Zach Howland.

