3 Handsome Considerations for Nearables

Handsome Perspectives


Estimote recently announced Nearables, stickers with an accelerometer, thermometer, ARM processor, flash memory and smart controller. Yes. All of that. In a sticker. Oh, and a battery that lasts for one year.

At Handsome, we are excited about this kind of innovative hardware because this type of hardware innovation will undoubtedly lead to next generation ingenuity in design and development of a new wave of digital experiences.


As more dumb objects become smart, the opportunity widens significantly to create seamless digital experiences for things that we haven’t yet been able to interact with easily.


As the things around us become more aware, it will be useful to investigate how we will interact with these new experiences that can start and stop without our involvement.


Wearables have hit mainstream and NFC is perhaps not too far behind, but the question remains with access to this kind of hardware what kind of experiences can we create and provide that users will continue to use, rather than experiment with and abandon.

At Handsome, we’re very excited about the future of nearables, wearables, and whatever-ables come next. Keeping these three guiding principles in place will undoubtedly help create a more robust human experience.



Handsome Perspectives

Handsome is a holistic experience design agency. Clients include FedEx, Audi, Nickelodeon, AMC, Facebook and Keller Williams. http://handsome.is