A Systems Analysis Approach to Systemic Racism

BJ Campbell
Handwaving Freakoutery
18 min readJul 12, 2020


“That time I got sucked into a local culture war.”

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As with most things in July of 2020, the story starts with Covid-19, but I promise it won’t dwell there long. By the end of this tale, I hope to build a framework to talk about systemic racism (which is a real thing) without involving any of the cult-speak that’s infiltrating the conversation, so ordinary rational people can get to ordinary rational policy proposals without having to resort to weaponized racial prejudice, as is being done routinely now within the underlying infrastructure of Black Lives Matter.

Let’s begin the story.

The Covic-19 Culture War Battleground the week of July 6th pivoted to the school boards, both nationally and in my community, after the CDC issued a set of guidelines which were mostly benign, but included a six foot separation rule that was twice as large as the WHO’s three foot recommendation, and is thoroughly unachievable by most school districts in the country. The nations teachers read the rule, and interpreted it to mean that if they can’t get six feet of separation between desks, then they and their students are being marched off to the slaughter, so they started staging protests. One such protest is down the street from me. These are their demands:

  • Postpone the school start date until a safe…

