AI Article Title Generator

BJ Campbell
Handwaving Freakoutery
6 min readFeb 10, 2019


Why has nobody coded up an AI “article title generator” yet?

Here’s a bunch of circles that google thinks is an AI. I’m not convinced.

This seems to me to be one of the easiest ways to become fabulously rich. Here’s the idea.If someone with access to the right data wanted to, they could tune an artificial neural network (AI) to generate near perfect article titles.

How We Get Fabulously Rich

Modern media companies make their money based on clicks, which are farmed from social media. Classic model media organizations do still exist, but the definition of “classic” basically means “about to get rusty and fall apart at any moment.” The future of media is in the clicks. Most of the traffic comes from secondary sharing. Possibly, nearly all of it. And people share titles.

A staggering 59% of article shares happen without the sharer even reading the article. I literally just did it. That link? It’s to a Forbes article I’ve never read, and here I am linking it on Medium. I could have linked the Washington Post article on the same topic, but the Forbes one had a slightly better headline on my Google Search.

But now I’ve linked them both. Never read either.

Oh damn. Now we’re seeing how this works, in real time.

But that spills through. Watch the math. Let’s pretend we have a social network, such as Facebook…

