Anatomy of a Culture War Weapon

BJ Campbell
Handwaving Freakoutery
10 min readMay 10, 2018


or “Biting the Hand that Tweets You Must Be Done with Care”

(screenshot taken from on 5/8/2018: )

I’m new to Twitter, having basically just started an account to categorize links to Medium articles. So I was curious when I discovered that the well regarded Mr. Kurt Schlichter was going to do a piece referencing my most recent article, which was a fun jaunt into the mathematics of flooding, zombies, revolution, and the underbelly of California liberal anarchy preparedness. While I absolutely appreciate his praise, and the bump in traffic has been fun to watch, he appears to have not read the rest of the gun series, the ultimate point of which was to absolutely not do what Townhall did in that article. Before we break Townhall’s article down, we should first lay some quick groundwork to bring us up to date.

We opened the original gun series in March with a detailed look at how Vox and Mother Jones manipulate data to turn science into a culture war weapon.

Before we break down Townhall’s stab at what amounts to a very similar thing…

…let’s unpack the left’s. First, the left hides suicides and accidents in a bivariate graph correlating gun ownership and “gun deaths,” fooling the reader into thinking that homicides correlate in a bivariate way with gun proliferation when they actually don’t. Next, they propose policy measures directed at gun…

