Doctors are Wrong about Firearm Effectiveness in Mass Shootings

BJ Campbell
Handwaving Freakoutery
7 min readApr 30, 2019


I’ve struggled with whether to write this piece for a very long time, over a year in fact. I held back for reasons which will become readily apparent as the piece progresses, but in the end, truth is better than lies, and some of the lies being bandied about in the gun control camp are far more dangerous than the information I’m about to present here. So let’s just have some real talk about whether AR-15s are the most effective weapon for a mass shooting, and why they’re being used.

The Doctor’s Position

Here I present two very highly trafficked tweets which marry up with a lot of others, very often from doctors:

These things are getting a lot of traffic, and they’re tremendously flawed, but the doctors don’t see why they’re flawed because a…

