HWFO Newsletter for 9/3/2020

BJ Campbell
Handwaving Freakoutery
Sent as a


5 min readSep 3, 2020

No new material currently, just some throwback links and some personal excuses for the lack of new material.

I’m moving my family to a Red county. Closing on a new house by the end of this month, hoping to have my house on the market at least one week prior to the election. The reasons why are numerous. One is I have about $300k in equity in my current home that I want to get into the market. Another is I want a pool. A third is that a coalition of Facebook Freakouterist Blue Tribe Karens have taken political control of my school system and shut it down effectively indefinitely, adopting a distance learning package that crashes literally daily, and my kids need school, as do I as a single parent.

But the reason you people might be interested in, is election prognostication. This might turn into a bigger article later, but generally speaking, the worst cases look bad no matter who wins.

Engineers think in worst case scenarios. Never hire an optimist engineer. “I hope the bridge doesn’t fall down” is not a good thing to hear in a design meeting. The worst case scenarios for either candidate winning both lend me to want to be situated in a Red county before the election is resolved.

Trump Wins

If Trump wins, then I find it reasonable to think two dozen or more major American cities will turn into Portland Oregon. The left is too threadbare to stand another four years of Trump trolling them, and when literally everything else has failed (fakenews, Kavanaugh, impeachment, Esptein, scandals both real and manufactured) they will have no other choice but to resort to violence in their mind, and they will view the violence as justified because they will view a Trump reelection as evidence that democracy has failed. Like a good individualist, my paramount motivation in this case is to protect my family, and the best place to avoid violence will be a Red county.

Biden Wins

If Biden wins, there are several different failure modes. The first is simple and easy. The modern thinking in the majority left is that the riots will stop if Trump is gone, because the majority left isn’t protesting for black lives anyway, they’re protesting against Trump. Once he’s gone, they’re happy. The problem is BLM hates Biden, and Antifa hates Biden, and there is a cultural acceptance of violent protest that’s developed among the left whenever there’s an officer involved shooting of a black person.

“Mostly Peaceful” necessarily means “Somewhat Violent.” I wonder exactly how much violence would be necessary to characterize something as “Mostly Violent” quite honestly. It seems like nobody has set a firm boundary on that.

The USA has about 900 officer involved shootings in a given year, around 200 of which are of black people. That’s four a week. Probably 16 in December 2020 alone, once Biden’s in charge, and he’s done basically nothing to show he would approach the violent protest problem any differently than Trump. This week he finally dipped his toe in the pool by explicitly stating he doesn’t like violent protests, and Kamala Harris is a known pro police authoritarian, so she’s likely to steer him towards crackdowns. So Failure Mode 1 for Biden is the same as Failure Mode Trump, albeit probably more localized. Antifa and BLM continue to protest against Biden.

The second failure mode is if QAnon takes a Biden win to mean a reassertion of control by a secret cabal of deep state operatives and pedophile globalists, and a Q follower decides to “fight back” by shooting up a Democrat baseball field. This would be much worse, because it would immediately trigger Biden and Harris to attempt to fiat an assault weapons ban outside of the legislative branch, or perhaps even within it depending on Democrat control. That will lead the entire country to split into sanctuary status municipalities just like what happened in Virginia in 2019, and the enforcement for their ban will happen in black communities where the cops have MRAP tanks, and the protests get worse, and again the best place to avoid violence is a Red county.

I mean, maybe everything is just swimmingly beautiful with Biden as a president. Anything is possible. But it doesn’t seem likely.

So I’m moving. I don’t know about y’all. And moving is a pain in the ass when you’re a full custody single father widower, so that’s eating up my time. No new articles for a bit unless I fall into a bout of heavy insomnia.

Old Material — Jews and Riots and Social Justice

Bari Weiss recently amplified something:


from Lee Fang:


about this article in The Atlantic:


which was referring to this NPR article on Code Switch:


interviewing the author of a book called “In Defense of Looting”


which itself caught NPR so much shit that they had to edit their interview:


Follow all that?

The Atlantic piece is great and worth a read and I wish I wrote it, but we’re going to talk about the Lee Fang tweet:


which highlights some excerpts from the book itself:

In short, this excuses black on Korean (or black on Jew) violence because the Koreans and Jews are successful. This sort of language is cropping up all across the Social Justice sphere right now, and the way they’re justifying it is by saying that Asians and Jews are privileged instead of marginalized. In short, they are doing exactly what HWFO predicted they’d do back in February of 2019.


And the funny thing about that approach, of simply running through the Intersectionality Matrix of Oppression and reclassifying everyone based on how successful they are, is it collapses the entire giant complicated theory into good ole basic Marxism, with no further window dressing.

If I were Jewish I’d make sure I had my bugout plan to Israel squared away. Not for immediate use most likely, but inside this decade seems completely reasonable.

Don’t get stuck hoping the bridge doesn’t fall down.

