May Housekeeping, Cancer, and Hootie on a Bike

BJ Campbell
Handwaving Freakoutery
4 min readMay 3, 2018


I think a lot, and I write things down. I spend too much time on Facebook, and the things I write there are often far too complicated to re-type. I stumbled into Medium in early March to codify some thoughts in the wake of Parkland, mostly so I could simply leverage technology to link those thoughts instead of having to retype them over and over to my social network. Figured it’d save me some time.

237,000 views later, I want to sincerely thank everyone who’s followed along as I dumped these thoughts out for public consumption. I hope they help you with your own thinking on the topics covered to date, although you should certainly make up your own mind about all of them. According to the “top writers” stats, these semi-organized braindumps with hastily concocted visual aids are apparently worthy of the #6 Medium spot on politics. So that’s fun, and in some ways, pretty funny, because I honestly don’t like politics.


I was infinitely blessed by the Medium editorial staff featuring the most recent article on the front page. For that, I thank them all. For anyone who was late to the party, and may want to catch up on an article they may have missed, here’s a roundup and a brief description of each.

One: Herein we learn how Vox, Mother Jones, and other left of center media outlets manipulate numbers and graphs to imply a bivariate link between homicide rate and gun ownership that isn’t actually there. The article includes a case study for…

