Hangar 360 2.0 — Autonomous Capture & Processing of 360 Photos with DJI Drones

Oren John Schauble
Published in
3 min readSep 28, 2017
The Parthenon captured by a Hangar 360 User.

We released the original Hangar 360 end-to-end autonomous system as a gift to passionate and experienced pilots and then unleashed them do whatever they wanted with it. What began as a fun piece of technology soon morphed into a powerful and popular platform with profound commercial and civil implications. Thanks to gigabytes of feedback from that community of power users — now more than 40,000 strong and operating in almost every country — we’re proud to announce the release of Hangar 360 2.0, an app that drastically improves the original experience to truly showcase the experience of autonomous robotics in action.

Matterhorn captured on Hangar 360.

With Hangar 360, we established how valuable a seamless, end-to-end autonomous robotics platform can be to commercial clients: The system distilled flight, data collection, data upload, and processing into a single fluid, fully automated motion, delivering the final product in outputs tailored for a user’s existing business systems. We injected version 2.0 with more powerful features, sharper resolutions, and a user interface that makes it easier to perform and monitor the data collection process. The end result: The data pipeline runs smoother than ever.

Mt Rainier via Hangar 360: https://viewer.hangar.com/vrN2PZrK

On the imagery side, the original Hangar 360 capped 360 resolution to maximize loading speed, but our awesome server-side team has merged new tiling technology that now lets you see all your 360s in full resolution. As a plus for everyone who used the first version, check your archives for a surprise: All your 360s have now been reprocessed in high resolution.

Due to high demand we’ve also added an accounts feature, so all your 360s and data are available if you switch devices. And we’re now proud to support the full suite of DJI products, including the Inspire and the Spark. The Hangar 360 app also provides a seamless experience for operators who use DJI Go.

Iguaçu Falls from Hangar 360: https://viewer.hangar.com/mrp4q3rd

And we have a special note for everyone who requested features from us: We’ve heard you, loud and clear. We’re on track to deliver new tools for both consumers and commercial users: we’ve reached just the first waypoint on Hangar 360’s path. We’ve mapped out the mission, but just like with our product, these waypoints are adjustable — keep telling us what you want and what you need, and we’ll get you there.

Screenshots from the new application interface



Oren John Schauble

Stting on the cutting edge of digital storytelling and emerging tech. Partner at Guinn Partners.