My welcome to medium

Han Man
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2017


A little background on me, I have been in NYC for the last three years, working as a management consultant in one of the big consulting firms. I have an engineering background and this is my first time writing on Medium. I am a big fan of and was a huggee fan of before that (RIP) so naturally I decided that medium as the right place to get started.

Going to a tech school during my undergrad (Caltech) I have seen the big data revolution grow up right before my eyes. I remember taking CS and Statistics and Stochastic Modeling and seeing the power of computing- but I never wanted to just be “one of those coders.” So after undergrad, and finishing my Phd at Northwestern, I decided that I needed to learn about the real “business” world and became a management consultant.

During the last three years, I have witnessed first hand the way that CEOs of major companies make decisions — most of the time, it is still with an Excel sheet and a couple data points where major strategic decisions are being made. But I was also exposed to the torrents of data that these companies were drowning in. This is where the value-add is. Many of these companies are just not equipped to make smart conclusions with all the data they have.

I want to make sure that I am positioned to be a part of this wave. What better way work with data than to do what all data scientists do- start a blog! As I dive back into the coding world and learn the latest machine learning techniques, I felt like the best way for me to get up to speed is to do some analysis on some real world data sets and explore some topics that I am interested in…so let’s see what I can come up with!

