Diamond in the Rough

Hannah Smith
Published in
4 min readApr 7, 2017

In my last post I talked about how God has called us to Sioux Falls, SD. But here we are only a few weeks away from moving and everything for us is about to change.

What I am learning about transitions are that, they are a time for exponential growth! It is a time that God moves and shifts mountains to let you be able to enjoy what is after the transition. When I look back at the tough times in my life, I see that I was in a time of transition. Some last longer than others but if you notice the outcome of them, wow, they are totally worth it!

The last two, large, life changing transitions for our family both end results were our precious babies. During those specific transitions God was preparing us for parenthood, and how to adjust to another beautiful gift. It was the most perfect way to bring a baby into the world; with your faith on the high because of the promise the Lord has given when you listen to Him and obey. This is a huge win because getting pregnant has not be easy for us, we have went to multiple doctors and done multiple tests, but in God’s timing, with medical assistance, He gave us the best gifts!

Our first transition was moving back home from TN. This was hard moving and leaving the place we established our marriage, where we really grew as adults and even more so, found our true calling in life. Then after we moved home we got our beautiful blessing, Naomi Sue. Our second transition was the mere fact that Jason had lost his job and we had no consistent income for 6 months. We went 6 whole months with no late bills and we never went without anything! God was so faithful and we truly just relied on Him. It was a very simple time but it really did test my faith. I believe that as a wife, I would trust Jason’s judgement but at the end of the day I believed in a God who would always take care of me! From that transition we got to be the parents of Mr. Abraham Behr!

Then, I even think back to not only what God did with us personally through transitions, but to every area we had an influence on. Moving home, 3 years ago, we did not know why we were being brought back to Indiana, but if you would have told me we were going to plant a church I probably would have laughed. But here we are, 3 years have passed, and we are part of a church that runs an average of 130 in attendance and consistently growing each month. Though, we did not have that in mind, God did. God also grew the church in TN we were part of too! Now, less than a month ago they just moved into their new building that is now a campus and they are multiplying as well! I think back and if we would not have listened to our calling through these hard and tiring transitions, who knows where these 2 churches would be, where we would be as a couple, and where those around us would be. Transition is simply where growth just takes place. It is so worth it!

I once heard during a message at a youth conference that “it is a diamond in the rough.” Have you ever seen a diamond when they actually find them? The stone is not the beautiful one we see at the jewelry store, but a dark and unpolished stone. It takes time to buff off the grime, and dirt…I mean hard work, to get to this beautiful and magnificent diamond. This is an analogy I hold on when times get tough and I just remember I am adding to my collection.

Continue to pray for us as this transition, because it is not even close to getting that beautiful diamond out, but I am believing for God to move and give us growth that we have never got to experience before. I believe that you do reap what you sow into and so do the generations after you. Transitions are exhausting but isn’t everything that is worth something hard work? Hard work means it is meaningful. Rely on God’s strength and not our own, for only He is truly sustainable.

