God’s Connections

Hannah Smith
Published in
2 min readApr 30, 2017

Many of y’all follow our journey in life and I am so grateful that the Lord has connected us in some way. I always feel like the Lord puts people in your path at the right time to help you along your journey in life. Different seasons of life call for different people and relationships. Sometimes we don’t understand why, but we go with it.

This past week we moved to SD!! But what many of you do not know is that, I am actually headed back to Indiana to prayerfully adopt our precious baby girl that will be born soon! We have been humbly blessed to become parents once again. (The adoption will get a whole blog to itself.) So we are not only moving to SD, but moving there as a family of 5 instead of 4! It has been a crazy adventure the past few months and even more the past 2 weeks, but God is good and always faithful. We have been wanting to adopt for awhile but I was very specific in what way I wanted to adopt. So with many prayers the Lord literally just laid it out before us! This only could have been Him. We are so very excited!!

But back to connections and what the Lord is doing with that…when moving to SD I prayed I would immediately have a connection and let me tell you! He gave me a great friend to start off living in SD!! Her name is Morgan Merritt. She is an answer to my prayers. We are in the same season of life, stay at home moms, and our husband’s work at Embrace together. They also have children and just moved to SD, less than a year ago from TN. The Lord has answered every prayer when being called away from home. I can tell in this new season with 3 babies under 3, Morgan is a friendship given as a gift. It isn’t easy to move away, but knowing I have a friend who needs me as much as I need her is a blessing!

I just wanted to update everyone with what was going on and let you know…I have been a little busy but wanted to share something the Lord put on my heart.

