The Big Move

Hannah Smith
Published in
6 min readApr 1, 2017

Here we are…about to begin this large move to South Dakota and so many people around us are asking why. So here is the why…

In January we began a corporate fast with our church, and during this time Jason prayed about his job. His true passion and love is ministry and our passion together, as well, is ministry. During this fast he felt the calling of full time ministry laid on his heart. God kept telling him to apply to jobs and that He would close the doors we were not suppose to endure. Jason started looking and praying for creative director/pastor rolls. Since this is such a specific position and most churches with this position have to be a little larger, there were not a ton of options. He applied to about 4–6 churches and 3 contacted us back. Then 2 contacted us about visiting. Only 1 visitation followed through and that was the weekend of March 4 & 5.

So let’s go back to what God was doing to line this job up and prepare us for more than we ever knew! After the fast, Jason and I had talked and prayed about trying to get our finances prepared to be able to move. During that time we decided that it would be best to move in with my parents and to pay off any debt we had, so that whenever and wherever we were called, we would be ready. We made this decision on Tuesday, January 31 and then on Friday, February 3, Jason got let go of his job. Wow, was God not preparing us! At this time we were both shocked and did not understand God’s plan, because how could we pay off debt and not have a job? No income…no pay off. We completely trusted God in whatever and wherever He was leading us, because we have been there before, less that a year and half ago. We have always trusted God with our finances and always have been taken care of, even when we did not know how it was going to work out. Thankful, because we serve a Mighty God who looks at the situation from above and takes care of things we do not even see coming.

God was even preparing support we never knew we would get… At this time, I went to lady that is always praying for me and was telling her about everything going on and she told me, “Hannah, it is sooner than you are planning.” At this time I was confused and how is this possible when a church has not invited us out to meet us? I knew God was really doing something when she told me this. When I told my best friend what was going on and that we were truly seeking full time ministry, she said, “I know that is what y’all are suppose to do. Jason was the happiest when he was in full time ministry and so was your family.” When we told our Lead Pastors, they have been more than supportive! Even my momma, who knew this would be me moving away, has been beyond supportive of God’s will for our lives. I cannot even to begin to thank those you have supported us.

Before even going to visit South Dakota, Jason and I felt deep down this was the move we were about to make for God’s plan for our lives. I definitely had mixed feelings because of being 12 hours away from our family/friends. I also knew if this was God’s plan that everything would work out and things would be confirmed for us when we visited. Leading up to our visit, Jason shared a devotion with me, just about being called to go out and do God’s will, no matter location. What Jason did not catch, but caught my attention, was it said something along the lines of “Embrace the adventure.” It definitely said the word EMBRACE though…and little did I know…that was the name of the church in South Dakota!

Then we get there!! It was a crazy packed 2 days while we were there, plus traveling with a baby! We knew going into the weekend we just needed to take in as much as possible and then come together and process all of it. It was a very emotional event for me as a mom, because this was the first time I was ever away from Naomi for this long and the furthest away I had ever been from her. This whole weekend was beyond emotional for me, and if you know me, I am not one to be overly emotional. I cried the whole weekend it felt like. Jason and I both prayed we would just have a moment of, aha, this is where God wants us…and it happened. Mine was personally at the evening service on Sunday. Behr was asleep the whole service and I was truly able to worship the whole time. Then during worship it hit me. The word “home” just kept coming to me and I kept crying like I never had before. Not a sad cry, not an overwhelming happy cry either, but a confirmation cry. I knew this would be our new home. Another thing I personally prayed for was a friend. A friend that stayed at home with her kids and that I could easily connect with as well. When we went to the last campus, I met the worship director’s wife, and the first thing she said to me was “If you move here, I will be your first friend.” At the time, I thought, “Oh she seemed so nice.” But then after that evening service we ended up going to their house and God truly showed me what He meant by connecting her and I together. She really will be my first true friend when getting there. God is so good! I only asked these 2 things when thinking about truly moving and they were completely confirmed on this trip.

Coming back home, we knew our answer without a doubt, but we had to still wait for the call from Embrace. During this time we were overwhelmed with the support we had back here praying for us. The thing that honestly meant the most to me was that everyone was truly praying FOR US. They were not praying that we were NOT moving, they were just sincerely praying for God’s will and that it would be clear to us. I still cannot get over the support of our family and friends! I’m just in awe that God has placed each and every one of them in our lives! (This is making it even harder on my heart to leave.)

Then we got the call…it was a late night phone call, but they offered my husband the position we had been praying for a very long time. As a wife and daughter I was instantly filled with a ton of mixed emotions. I knew and was beyond confident that is where God wants us, but I also was completely heartbroken thinking about my momma. My momma is my best friend, my true person who understands me at all times. I knew as a daughter, I’m making her proud in my faith, but I’m going to break her heart as well. Telling her was the hardest thing thus far in our journey, but I know without a shadow of a doubt this is where I am suppose to be and I have to give all of it to God. It does not make it easier, but I have confidence in knowing God is going to do something great in her life too. She has her moments, but 90% of the time she is so supportive, and I could not be more proud of what God is constantly doing in her!

Now, we are trying to prepare our family for the large move ahead of us, but not sure what obstacles will be before us. We are blessed to be in the will of God. We are blessed to be surrounded with amazing support. During this time we ask that you pray for us and our family, for this is a huge transition for all of us. Please say extra prayers for our children and for their adjustments once we get there, because they are too young to understand, but old enough to be reactive to the situation. Please pray that financially we will be prepared as well. We are always trusting the Lord, but this is obviously a large move that is not cheap either. God is showing us each step in this BIG MOVE for our family and I’m excited for our future there. God knows what is the BEST for us and I believe this is what He wants for our family. I cannot resist or say no to what God knows is best, therefore this BIG MOVE is happening!

