What has God been up to?

Hannah Smith
Published in
3 min readOct 15, 2017

This month I have become overwhelmed with the way the Lord chooses to love me. His understanding of my desires and dreams, matched with what He is doing in me. As a mom of 3 and moving to a city where I did not know anyone, my search to find my purpose in this season, was one that I constantly wondered . I knew I had been called to be a momma, but I also knew God had more to offer me here in South Dakota. I have felt whole in my decision to work Plexus, because this isn’t just providing others with answers to health problems and true life change, but this is also a way for me to produce income, to have friends that I NEED, and to be pushed to a new level in confidence. I know the Lord has called me to speak to others and right now that is through “10 Minute Moment.” Also, counseling and fighting others’ battles with them is a new passion for me too.

Jason and I have always worked hand in hand together in ministry. We had always been staff together or did children’s ministry together, just something together in ministry. We always worked at the same pace and at the same church, but this season is different…and at first I didn’t know how to accept it. Before moving here, I remember during our interview weekend, Pastor Adam Weber said to me, “Don’t feel like you have to find your way to a serving position.” He said, “If you need a season off, do that…I just don’t want you to feel obligated to anything.” This meant the WORLD to me. I don’t think he even knew how much that meant to me, but it did! At that time we had no idea we would be bringing our little girl to South Dakota with us. Seeing how God was preparing me then, for where I am now…WOW!

The Lord has been bringing so much clarity into my life, into this season I am in with wanting to speak to people about the Lord and how He is fighting your battles for you and already WON them. But I’m not here just to talk to you about my own walk… I want you to understand that the Lord has WON each battle you are facing, but you must rely on Him when fighting it. Do not take anything upon yourself, but only Him. His love for you endures ALL THINGS…and He will not let you slip through the cracks. 1 Corinthians 13:7 states “Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things.” The Lord LOVES YOU! He CARES for YOU! This is how I know when I say trust Him, He will carry you through. I never question that! Even if you do not understand it, be sure to understand He has something better than you can imagine coming your way, in His timing.

I would have never thought 6 years ago when I married Jason, we would live in South Dakota, we would have 3 precious babes, I would stay at home, I would run a networking business, I would love speaking to others from a teaching platform, I would have a heartbeat to be in a spiritural war for others, or even have some of the friendships I do. I do know that God’s plan is WAY BETTER than the one I had in my head! I have loved every season I have been in and I’m continuing that even if it is not an easy one. God has a reason and He turns everything to good! Trust Him. Love Him, and remember the BATTLE IS WON!

