1 : Open Source — Hao : 0

Hao Chen
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018

After finally setting up VSCode, I was ready to rumble! I found my first match who had been waiting eagerly for a challenger since May 19, 2017.

The issue: Quick Open cannot find files if user enters ‘./’ for current working directory(CWD).

Reproducing the issue: this was confirmed on both Mac and Windows OS as shown below:

Below outlines my attempt at figuring out the cause of this bad boy:

  1. Casted my net wide in the HTML code to get a rough idea of what class might handle the functionality of loading path.
  2. Dove into QuickOpenController.ts and noticed that getResults() handles a call for prepareQuery(), which to my understanding cleans the search value of irregularities. This function uses the query to return a list of search history ranked by score, a rank/priority given to each file (The exact formula to calculate score is classified…maybe you can find it?).
  3. At the same time, I’ve set some break points in FileService.ts, specifically at resolveFileData(). With a name like ‘file service’, you’d think the program would make a pit stop here to do something related to opening files…nope~
  4. Continuing from #2, I dove into QuickOpenScorer.ts to examine prepareQuery(). A gem immediately poped out to me:

My initial thought on the issue was that nobody considered using CWD when searching in Quick Open. So my naive solution was simply:

Did it work? yes and no…

Something broke!

My gut feeling tells me something is off, and the ‘fix’ was a facade. So I did not jump to the conclusion and consulted my professor David Humphrey on Slack.

Great feedback received.

I completely forgot that ‘.’ is a wildcard :P!

  1. Looking into query values was just the surface, I needed to go deeper! Maybe classes that handles opening files has something fishy going on. OpenFileHandler looked interesting, specifically the call to doFindResults(). This function looks for the file requested.
  2. Within doFindResults(), it calls queryBuilder’s query() function, passing it an Options object:
filePattern, I think I may be onto something.

Options.includePattern is passed to parseSearchPaths(), but it is undefined!

This is where I narrowed the issue down. My suspicion is that somewhere, ‘./’ is not noted as a pattern to include for parseSearchPaths(). Hopefully, I’ll get to finish what I started in the following weeks.

Summary of tools and technique used:

  • Developer tools
  • Break points
  • Consulting with others

What did I learn?

  • Trust your gut feeling
  • Understand the problem, before looking for the cause!

Hope you enjoyed the read,

Hao-ut (Hao out~)

