Lifehack tip #06: Meditate in micro-doses to take the edge off.

Hapi Wellness
Published in
3 min readApr 4, 2017

Taking the stress out of everyday life doesn’t have to involve going on a week long retreat with the Dalai Lama to practice buddism. In fact, there’s many simple meditations that you can do in everyday life to feel better!


  1. Think Stoic and lower your expectations. If you expect everything to go well all the time, you will be constantly let down. Instead, “Expect the worst and hope for the best”, as they say. This way, no matter what outcome, you will not have attached emotion to a future outcome, which means you won’t be let down in the first place.
  2. Whenever an obstacle comes up in your life, view it as an opportunity, not a problem. Instead of being reactionary and defaulting to stressing out, rather ask yourself: How can I turn this into an opportunity? Ryan Holiday has a great book on this topic. Check out the summary here.
  3. Let go of what others think of you! Stop letting other people’s opinion of you dictate your emotions. A sure way to be unhappy is to let other people control your state of mind. A great remedy for this is “honest meditation”. You can grab the app here.
  4. Fire up several times a day and set it to relaxation / meditation mode, and let the calming audio frequencies mellow you out.
  5. Finally, if you’re someone who smashes multiple cups of coffee a day, add an L-Theanine supplement into the mix. It will help to reduce the overstimulation and calm you down overall.

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— The Hapi team.



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