Lifehack tip #10: Track your mood with the MoodNotes app.

Hapi Wellness
Published in
2 min readMay 30, 2017

Sometimes it can feel like we’re ecstatic one minute and depressed the next. There can be such rapid changes in our mood, leaving very few hints as to why we feel the way we do!

That’s why we’re going to take a look at the MoodNotes app in today’s lifehack tip!

This neat little app does just as the name describes: It lets you track and take notes of your mood(s) throughout the day, to understand how frequently you feel a certain way (happy, sad etc.), the magnitude of each mood (on a scale of 1 > 10), and notes on each state so that you can pinpoint why you’re feeling the way you are!

If you’re somebody who feels down quite often, or simply somebody who wants to feel better more regularly, then the MoodNotes app is a great way to gauge your mood, and optimise it by process of elimination. That is, identifying what variables are causing certain moods, and either increasing or decreasing them based on whether they’re positive or negative.

Grab the app here and start improving your mood!

If you would like to learn more about optimising your mood and reducing your stress levels, you can view our full relaxation guide below ⬇️

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Be happy and stay healthy peeps 😀

— The Hapi team.



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