Lifehack tip #11: Quantify your life with the Reporter app.

Hapi Wellness
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2017

If there’s one protocol a biohacker should understand, it’s the quantified self methodology. Tracking lifestyle tweaks using a data-driven approach is essential, otherwise you’re just using subjective anecdotes that probably aren’t very accurate! That’s where the Reporter app comes in handy!

The Reporter app allows you to setup customised reports that you can fill out each day, within a really simple interface.

This data is then tracked and visualised, allowing you to retroactively gauge changes over time and understand how frequently you’re doing certain activities, like taking particular supplements or nootropics for example.

The real benefit of this reporting comes from exporting the data into CSV format (a spreadsheet), and correlating certain data sets to understand how data point A is effecting data point B etc. Just be aware of the limitations.

A simple and obvious example of this is how does alertness and concentration affect your productivity? As seen below, they’re pretty predictable indicators of how productive you will be, which makes sense!

You can easily do this using charts in Google Sheets.

Grab the Reporter app here and start quantifying your life!

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— The Hapi team.



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