Lifehack tip #12: Read or listen to a book in 15 minutes with Blinkist ๐Ÿ“š๐Ÿ”Š

Hapi Wellness
Published in
2 min readJun 7, 2017

Imagine if you could read a book every day. Better yet, if you could have someone read a book to you every day. Well, for anyone who struggles to make it through an entire book, or for anyone who just loves efficiency, you will want to check out Blinkist!

This nifty app is about as efficient as it gets. Blinkist not only provides book summaries for over 2,000 books, it provides audio versions too, read by an actual person and not some robotic, computer-generated voice!

Itโ€™s the Pareto principle to the maxโ€”that isโ€”they have extracted the 20% of each book that will provide you with 80% of the insights. All the key takeaways are crammed into 15 minutes, delivered straight to your ears.

Gone are the days where you make up excuses for not reading books. If you have an internet you can be accelerating your knowledge and expanding your mind daily, which is pretty awesome!

Grab the Blinkist app here and start quantifying your life!

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#stayoptimised peeps ๐Ÿ˜€

โ€” The Hapi team.



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