Top 10 biohacking apps ⌚️

Hapi Wellness
Published in
7 min readMay 24, 2017

When it comes to optimising your body to perform better, there’s some great apps that can help you on your journey!

We have put together a list of our 10 favourites, that range from productivity tracking and auditory stimulation, to stack tracking and sleep optimisation.

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1. Reporter.

This is hands down one of our favourite biohacking apps! Reporter lets you setup simple surveys that you can fill out throughout the day, to track a range of metrics, such as how energetic you’re feeling or what supplements you’ve taken. It then generates really neat little reports, so that you can see how your habits are trending!

Another great feature is the ability to export all your data into a spreadsheet (CSV), which will allow you to dig into the raw stats and combine it with other data sets from seperate apps.

You can get the app for iPhone here.

Website here ➡️

2. MoodNotes.

As the practice of biohacking is very data-driven via the quantified self methodology, often times we can forget to ask ourselves how we feel, subjectively, which is a really important metric after all!

What we love about the MoodNotes app is the simple interface that lets you quickly record how you’re feeling at any given moment throughout the day, and elaborate with more specific feelings if you have the time!

You can get the app for iPhone here.

Website here ➡️

3. RescueTime.

This one is for all the productivity hackers out there! RescueTime is a neat little app that runs in the background, and tracks all of your activities, such as what websites and apps you spend the most time on.

It then ranks each activity based on how productive it is. For example, Facebook gets a negative score, whereas something like Google Docs will get a positive score.

This allows you to easily see how productive you’re being with the score they give you each day, as well as eliminate distracting activities!

You can get their extension.

Website here ➡️

4. TrackMyStack

For anyone into optimising their performance with supplements and nootropics, TrackMyStack is a brilliant tool that can be used to track how each constituent affects you.

It allows you to report on each individual compound or stack as a whole, to determine whether it’s having a net positive or negative impact on the outcome you seek, such as concentration, energy or health in general.

It’s a great tool to use when trying new products, to understand if they’re actually working for you or not!

You can check out their webapp here.

Website here ➡️

5. Gyroscope.

When it comes to a polished interface and user-experience, Gyroscope takes the cake! Their app is absolutely gorgeous. But enough about their pretty interface, let’s talk about the functionality!

Gyroscope essentially aggregates tons of third-party biometric apps, such as AppleHealth, FitBit, Moves, RescueTime and many more, and gives you really neat reports!

This is quite different than all the other apps, as it shows you the “complete story of your life”, as they say in their tagline, which is really cool! There’s also some neat goal-setting features that come in handy too!

You can get their app here.

Website here ➡️


Who doesn’t like a little brain-tickling? Well, with you can count on your mind being stimulated!

This app has many people hooked within minutes, as you can feel a quite noticeable boost in your concentration, which is proceeded by a pleasant transition into a deep state of flow, all with audio stimulation!

Whether you want to focus, relax or sleep, their nifty machine and neuroscientist created tracks will give you control over your state of mind!

You can get their iPhone app here.

Website here ➡️

7. Headspace:

Many of us can get trapped in the stressful cycle of life, that leaves us perpetually worn out, anxious and unhappy. Well, thankfully there’s an app that can help with this!

Headspace, as the name suggests, is a simple meditation app that helps you get some headspace and chill out a bit!

It has a beautifully designed interface, which makes it easy to unwind and take your mind on a journey into the depths of relaxation. Not to mention the voice alone is very calming to listen to!

You can get their app on iPhone or Android here.

Website here ➡️

8. SleepCycle.

Another one of our favourites is SleepCycle! Although there are many sleep-optimisation apps and devices out there, SleepCycle seems to be the only one which has a nice interface, and doesn’t require spending hundreds on wearable tracking devices (more money for nootropics, right?).

Their app tracks several sleep metrics, and generates a sleep quality score, which allows you to gauge how well you’re sleeping (or not).

Our favourite feature is the ability to manually log as many lifestyle variables as you want, such as what supplements you took, how much coffee you had during the day or whether you exercised or not etc. which the app correlates with your sleep quality, and gives you neat little reports that tell you whether each variable had a positive or negative impact on your sleep!

You can get the app for iPhone here and Android here.

Website here ➡️

9. Moves.

Out of all the app categories, there’s undoubtably an over abundance of fitness apps, many of which are pretty lame!

But the Moves app manages to cut through the noise and provide a really neat experience. It tracks several metrics such as how much you have walked, cycled or ran, as well as caloric intake and gym sessions too!

It then takes it a step further, and breaks all of said activities down into a simple daily timeline of where you spent your time. Really cool!

Check out their app for iPhone here, and Android here.

Website here ➡️

10. F.lux.

On the topic of sleep, a great app that can help regulate and optimise your sleep cycles/quality is F.lux, which literally requires no effort, just an installation!

Their little extension gives your computer screen an orange undertone after the sun goes down, which gets progressively stronger as the night goes on.

This prevents blue light from blocking Melatonin production in your body (the chemical that makes you feel tired). You can learn more about that in our sleep guide here.

It’s free, takes <60 sec to setup and will improve your sleep-latency for life, which is insanely good value when you think about it! Definitely support them by giving $5 bucks if you find value in it!

You can get their extension here.

Website here ➡️

That’s all the biohacking apps we have for you this time around! We really hope you enjoyed this list, and find value in using the apps we listed!

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Be happy and stay healthy peeps 😀

— The Hapi team.



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