Dona Mara
Published in
2 min readDec 24, 2021

Coalescing the best of manual and automated work — HAPI Labs aims to propel the cybersecurity aspect of crypto to new heights with consistent analysis and tracing of hacks, exploits, and incidents, adding an unprecedented value to the onchain side of the HAPI Protocol! Proprietary software, automated tooling, seasoned cybersec veterans, and immediate reaction on hacking intrusions.

We are elated to unveil the inseparable part of HAPI Protocol and its immediate future — HAPI Labs. HAPI Labs will focus on the real-time investigation of cases including instantaneous reaction to the emerging hacks and exploits. HAPI Labs will also be at the forefront of analyzing and adding illicit addresses to the database. In essence, it’s a separate division within the HAPI team that handles exclusively everything related to hacks, their constant monitoring, marking, and reporting. Smart contract auditing is also one of the branches and duties incumbent upon HAPI Labs. Each aspect in relation to Smart Contract exploits and the most recurring issues with the code as well as materials aimed at improving the security state of the Smart Contracts on Rust and Solidity.

HAPI Labs consists of 8 cybersecurity experts with a varied range of experience and expertise. HAPI Labs is also equipped with the latest blockchain tracing tools and data analysis software that will allow the most comprehensive research and investigation into the cases both post-factum as well as ongoing ones. We also use a proprietary automation tool that is able to almost immediately build a chain of interacting wallet addresses and transferred value. HAPI Labs is the crucial link between HAPI Protocol and real-world incidents that make it possible to finally get a handle on the recent galore of hacks and exploits.

So what area of influence does HAPI Labs encompass?

  • Live Tracing of the addresses
  • Reacting on the emerged hacks and providing complete analysis both in private by requests and publicly
  • Appendment of addresses to the core HAPI Protocol Smart Contract
  • Smart Contract Auditing (Q 2 2022)
  • Marking potentially illicit addresses and constant monitoring of those involved in deviant schemes (e.g. wallet that possesses compromised funds)
  • Institutional-grade software and partnerships with top-end crypto intelligence service providers (Crystal Blockchain, Chainalysis)

HAPI Labs will become the spearhead of crypto security, popularizing cybersec in crypto, and ensuring the top-notch security and safety of interaction within it with bleeding-edge AML solutions.

The first comprehensive analysis will be coming out next week and will include the almost complete dismantling of the recent Ascendex Hack to showcase the first pillar of HAPI Labs.

