Why We Started Hapibot Studio

The Origin

Marcos Carvalho
Hapibot Studio


I would like to share why we started Hapibot Studio.

Before creating Hapibot, we worked for web and mobile design and development companies. Some of us lectured in universities. Companies hired us to develop mobile apps or simplify their websites. Institutions hired our research.

As a team of designers, developers and data scientists we all shared a common feeling. We felt laden with complacency — we weren’t truly pushing ourselves or our client solutions to a next level. We were following safe mainstream market trends. Design wise it was all about pushing pixels and little substance. Software development languages were chosen on a reliability and risk free basis. Improving the state of the art of machine learning wasn’t yet translating from the realm of computer science on paper to practical use.

We were industry followers satisfying client needs with status quo market solutions. Our clients were contented. We weren’t.

But here’s the thing. Sometimes clients don’t know what emerging technologies are out there and what they need. Clients don’t know how these technologies can now help them achieve that competitive advantage. They don’t know how these technologies can help identify opportunities and discover insights.

There is an extra layer of intelligence that can still be added to hardware and software. Adding this layer of connected intelligence augments new levels of customer and company empowerment. It automates processes, drives awareness and deepens our knowledge. That’s where we come in.

Hapibot Studio aims to be a recognized leader in its own right. Designing, developing and launching smarter solutions, where applications, IoT, augmented reality and artificial intelligence are addressed for active business innovation needs. We’re taking advantage of these emerging technologies and making them accessible to our clients.

In doing so, we’re making our clients smarter through the thoughtful combination of these technologies integrated with existing or new applications.

Hapibot is joining artificial intelligence leaders from academia with experienced designers and developers. It’s all about building smarter and connected applications.

Our Brand

Once we had found our purpose, we thought a lot about our brand. It meant thinking about our business model, personality, competitive edge, target audience, name and message. Branding goes beyond the visual system that expresses our values, culture and key differentiators. Our message had to be our promise we would make and keep everyday. Our name a representation of the technologies we work with.

We came up with the name Hapibot Studio after reflecting about what technologies will impact our lives in the near future. Hapibot is the combination of four areas that will dictate the next technological movement:

API’s — They are the foundations for any software program. API’s are the methods controlling how applications interact with each other, not user interfaces. API’s will govern software and serve as the connection mortar for digital hardware for years to come. As devices and sensors proliferate, system-to-system interactions will dominate people-to-system interactions. Systems don’t need beautiful interfaces, they need well-defined communication protocols for scale. They need API-first design.

Internet of Things — (IoT) The proliferation of devices and sensors is driving the paradigm shift in the digital revolution. According to Business Insider Intelligence, by 2020 there will be 34 billion connected IoT devices. That’s more than double that of combined PC’s, Smartphones, Wearables and Tablets and triple that of the entire world population.

IoT allows us to monitor and communicate with machines, crops, individuals, buildings and create a new space of interaction of everything tangible within our society and environment. But this device mesh relies on collecting an unprecedented vast amount of information. The systems we use have become incredibly complex. This requires an expansion in connection models, platform and communication protocol integration for greater cooperative interaction between devices.

Can you imagine how our notification system would work in 2020 using our current approach? Our lives would be on interruption mode. Our apps need to be context-aware. They require a microservice strategy. Apps require understanding and intelligence.

Artificial Intelligence — (AI) is shifting away from a purely academic field of study and a conceptual afterthought to a real problem solving solution. It’s moved from building broad technology platforms to focusing on solving specific business problems. We are further seeing the emergence of autonomous systems in both the physical and virtual world.

As never before, we need to make sense of all this big data we are generating. The exponential growth of data sources and complexity of information makes manual classification and analysis insurmountable and economically infeasible.

But AI will also allow us to reach unthinkable perspectives and discover insights unreachable to us thus far in all fields of our society, from industry, education, finance, health, to business and agriculture. It’s a natural progression just waiting to happen that will have a profound impact in our society.

Augmented Reality — (AR) blends virtual content into the real world to create an immersive user experience. This technology opens a universe of experiences and forms of interacting with content and new dimensions. New interfaces can allow us to personify the consumer experience in increasingly customized ways. As the lines between the digital and physical worlds meld, there is a growing need to design these advanced experiences that flow across and exploit different devices and platforms.

As we progress into a more interconnected world and embrace emerging technologies, amazing new possibilities emerge. Do you want to work smarter? Stay ahead of your competition? Have an idea? Call us today!



Marcos Carvalho
Hapibot Studio

Starter. Eclectic. Director of Product Design at TeamViewer.