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Beta Blog
Blog about Development, Architecture, Security, Tech, Leadership, Growth Mindset and many more. Brought to you by developers and leaders from Bank Hapoalim Tech Division.
Note from the editor

Blog about Development, Architecture, Security, Tech, Leadership, Growth Mindset and many more. Brought to you by developers and leaders from Bank Hapoalim Tech Division.

Go to the profile of Tomer Glick
Tomer Glick
COE Lead of Digital Platforms / Guild Leader for Client Development
Go to the profile of Tal Hod Levy
Go to the profile of Tal Hod Levy
Go to the profile of Ido Lempert
Ido Lempert
Web Developer
Go to the profile of Itay Biron
Go to the profile of Sergei Kendis
Sergei Kendis
Full stack developer
Go to the profile of Telem Tobi
Telem Tobi
Software Developer focused on Apple Platforms
Go to the profile of AvivBenYair
Go to the profile of Arie Guttman
Arie Guttman
iOS Tech Lead
Go to the profile of Matan Elbaz